Boko Haram: We are dealing with an Ideologically Entrenched Enemy.

    Available indices point to the fact that Boko Haram is an ideologically entrenched enemy. The experience of the Dapchi girls is another pointer.

    Therefore, the conflict is first of all about how those on the side of good can repossess the hearts lost to Boko Haram ideology and prevent uncommitted hearts from following the ruinous path.

    In this regard, one major observation that has added to the complexities of Boko Haram terrorism is perhaps the narratives propagated by groups which have inadvertently promoted the ignoble adventures of terrorists and insurgent groups.

    There must be a more focused and pragmatic step to engage with audiences and continuously contribute more to de – escalating conflicts through change of psychology of the conversation on Boko Haram to that which targets to diminish the status of Boko Haram terrorist group in the imagination of the various audiences.

    As its contribution towards the emergence of a new paradigm for media engagement on Boko Haram terrorism, the MNJTF has designed a series of messages which are meant to interrogate the entire essence of Boko Haram to expose inherent pretenses, hypocrisies and contradictions which are several.

    It is expected that these messages would become Constructive Alternative Narratives that could arm audiences against invasive and harmful Boko Haram ideology.

    This effort could shape and drive the desired anti – Boko Haram movement across the diverse audiences to complement ongoing kinetic and stabilization operations by military forces. 

    In the light of the foregoing, the MNJTF requests the partnership of all in the rebroadcast of attached Influence Operations messages.

    The messages comprise of 60 seconds announcements each in Hausa, Kanuri, Arabe, Fulfulde and Kanembou languages.

    The UNESCO has observed that “wars begin in the minds of men; it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed”.

    Therefore, I see the media playing a pivotal role in this regard. It is my hope that this effort will yield the decisive psychological tilt required to defeat Boko Haram.


    Colonel Timothy Antigha,

    MNJTF Spokesman.