Buhari urges int’l community to partner Nigeria wipe out terrorism.

Buhari urges int’l community to partner Nigeria wipe out terrorism.
President Muhammadu Buhari has called on the global community to give greater support to nations, including Nigeria whose citizens are suffering from terrorism and civil strife.

Buhari made the call in London Thursday while speaking at the Supporting Syria and the Region Conference/

A statement by his spokesman, Mr. Femi Adesina quoted Buhari emphasizing that without collective support and assistance from all well-meaning countries as well as companies and organizations, the humanitarian “catastrophe” affecting millions of people in nations like Nigeria and Syria could not be successfully addressed.

He told the gathering that the increasingly complex and inter-connected security challenges faced by the global community necessitated increased international cooperation in pursuit of effective solutions.

He condemned the continuing violence by terrorists against innocent civilians, abuse of human rights and destruction of public and private assets and cultural heritages in Nigeria, Syria and other countries of the world.

According to the president, having experienced civil war and terrorist insurgency, Nigeria understands the pains inflicted on the people of Syria and the hardship that innocent civilians suffer “in the hands of misguided elements”.

He urged all parties involved in the Syrian conflict to seek a peaceful resolution, stressing that only a political solution could bring the ongoing tragedy in the country to an end.

Meanwhile, President Buhari has insisted that his administration has updated its rules of engagement in the fight against terrorism by using minimum force.

The president spoke in Strasbourg, France on Wednesday while addressing a special session of the European Union Parliament and the European Union Commission.

Buhari said his government also paid very close attention, during operations, to the treatment of captured terrorists and civilians caught up in the conflict.
This, according to President Buhari, is with a view to using necessary minimum force in the fight against terrorists.

“For our part, we have updated our rules of engagement in fighting terrorism and pay very close attention during operations to the treatment of captured terrorists, civilians caught up in the conflict and in general, safeguarding property,” he said.

He assured the European Union that his government was doing its utmost best to protect the fundamental human rights of persons “in the theatre of operations against Boko Haram.”

He said his administration shared the European Union’s commitment to peace and security, respect for human rights, democracy and good governance, equality and tolerance, as ways of developing prosperous and strong societies.

Buhari also expressed Nigeria’s concerns about the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union, African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) collectively endorsed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

The president explained that Nigeria was yet to sign the agreement because pertinent technical issues raised by the federal government had not been satisfactorily addressed.

President Buhari sought greater support from the European Union for Nigeria’s efforts towards curbing the theft of her crude oil and corruption in her oil and gas sector.

He said his administration’s attempt to restore security, curb corruption and fight crime would improve social stability in Nigeria and re-open the doors for full economic relations with Europe and the rest of the world.