On Wadume’s arrest: Why should Police Pre-empt Presidential Panel’s Investigation?

    By Adeyemi Hamzat

    Following the arrest of millionaire kidnapping kingpin and his video broadcast which was released by the police, certain pertinent questions have become necessary.

    It is no secret that an all encompassing Presidential Investigation Committee set up by the Defence Headquarters is currently investigating the allegations of his escape. Why has the Police decided to come out with statement directly accusing the Army before the presidential panel which is almost concluding investigation rounds up.

    What is the rush in preempting the panel’s report. And in the statement from the NPF why was little or no mentioned about the major issue, that is the crime of kidnapping which is supposed to be the focus of Alhaji Hamisu Wadume’s arrest.

    Both the Nigerian Police Force and the Nigerian Army are federal institutions with constitutional mandates of ensuring peace, security and fighting criminality in all forms. This writer observed that aside the initial press statement reacting to the NPF and the condolence letter to the IGP by the Chief of Army Staff, the Nigerian Army has kept its cool by not issuing any release or granting any interview since the beginning of the disgraceful incident It is therefore unprofessional and morally wrong for any of the two institutions to resort to unnecessary media trial, sponsoring media attacks and negative commentaries there by whipping up sentiments against the other.

    Similarly, the rearrested criminal aka Wadume should not have been interrogated by the police alone in a matter that both organizations are trading blames and subsequent confession made only to one party and the same confession released by the police.

    As much as Nigerians are happy that the suspect has been re-arrested, there is the tendency that some Nigerians like me would not shy away from wondering if the rush to release such a press statement is prearranged and definitely prejudicial.

    It could also be recalled that the Police who has from the beginning, accused the army and made it public that the army rescued the kidnapper and aided him to escape, is the same police issuing a statement of exactly the same confession

    What does the latest confession which seems like acting an already made script seeks to achieve at a time synergy among security agencies particularly the armed forces, the police and Paramilitary outfits is the watchword and high powered investigation is still ongoing?
