AT LAST, MILITARY’S SPECIAL FORCES STORM DREADED SAMBISA FOREST, DESTROY 15 BHT CAMPS. ***Air Force Launch Air Strikes, As Troops march deep into terrorist’s haven.

***Air Force Launch Air Strikes, As Troops march deep into terrorist’s haven.
The Nigerian military has commenced air and land strikes deep inside Sambisa forest which is believed to be holding the remaining strong point of the Boko Haram terrorists.

Towards this end, various units of the Army’s Special Forces have advanced deep into the forest clearing most of the camps therein, rescuing scores of persons held captive, arresting some terrorists and destroying most of their weapons and equipment.

In the ensuing onslaught, the military destroyed about 15 heavily fortified camps, killing scores of terrorists’ and weaponry belonging to the group and rescuing scores of abducted captives including women, girls and children.

Military sources disclosed that the march into the dreaded forest is being led by heavy artillery gun fire with long range arty-guns softening the grounds while Nigerian Air Force fighter jets and gunships carry out pounding from the air.

Instructively, Nigerian air force surveillance aircraft including the Augusta and ATR aircraft have in the last months, been carrying out surveillance flights around and over the Sambisa forest, collecting intelligence and passing same to ground troops in the overall joint operation to clear the North East of Boko Haram terrorists’.

Confirming the movement into the forest, Acting Director, Army Public relations, Col. Sani Usman said, “Advancing troops of the Nigerian Army, supported by the Nigerian Air Force were able to clear and destroy Boko Haram terrorist’s camps at Shuari, Adembe, Yerimari Kura, Yerimari Gana, Gonin Kurmi, Kore, Mainya Kore, and Lopere.

“Additionally, the Multi-barrel Rocket Launcher Regiment has destroyed the terrorist’s camps at Dure, Dure Kore, Jokwa, as well as several other camps.

“The troops recovered foodstuffs, motorcycles, flags, Improvised Explosive Making Devices (IED) materials and military uniforms. Among other discoveries were the terrorist’s tunnels, weapons and equipment.

“The soldiers also recovered 2,000 cows rustled from various persons over time and rescued women and children held captives by the Boko Haram. While the animals have been moved to Kanwuri; the rescued persons have been evacuated and are being given all the necessary support and assistance.

Continuing Usman said, “During the encounter with the terrorists at Yerimari Gana a number of Boko Haram terrorists were killed and some suspected terrorists were arrested who are being interrogated.

“However, a soldier sustained gunshot wound and fracture on the leg.

“Similarly, while advancing to destroy Nefari terrorist’s camp, troops discovered and cleared 3 IEDs laid along the route.

“The camp was successfully cleared and troops have continued their advance while a blocking force has been deployed to prevent infiltration and possible escape by the terrorists.

“Unfortunately during another encounter with the terrorists along the axis of advance, 3 soldiers made the supreme sacrifice, while an officer and 2 soldiers were wounded in action.

“It is instructive to note that the troop’s morale is very high and being conscious of their set objective, they are unrelenting in their determination to defeat the Boko Haram terrorists.

“In a related development, troops have also destroyed Boko Haram terrorist’s camps Bulagaije and Disa, Gwoza Local Government Area, Borno State and recovered motorcycles, Dane guns and ammunitions.”