Military Arrests 6 Persons over Ibi Communal Clash

    Military Arrests 6 Persons over Ibi Communal Clash

    Soldiers from 93 Battalion in Takum, Taraba State have arrested 6 persons and recovered arms and ammunitions during the recent communal clash in Ibi Local Government area of the state.


    The Commanding Officer of the Battalion, Lt Colonel Chima Obinna Egemole disclosed that: “What happened on the 25 March 2016 at Ibi Local Government Council was characterised by ethno-religious crisis.”


    The officer said: “The incidence started by some youths throwing stones at Muslims in the mosque during Jumuat praying which later escalated to sporadic shooting but for timely intervention of troops and other sister agencies, normalcy was restored and 24hours curfew imposed.”


    Lt Colonel Egemole restated the commitment of the troops to continue to ensure the safety of the citizens as more meetings have been held with the stakeholders to resolve the crisis in the area.


    His words, “What happened on the 25 March 2016 at Ibi LGA. Ibi LGA of Taraba state has been characterized by ethno-religious crisis and the one of 25 March 2016 was one of such. The incidence started by some youths throwing stones at Muslims in the mosque during Jumaat praying which later escalated to sporadic shooting but for the timely intervention of troops and other sister security agencies, normalcy was restored and 24 hours curfew imposed. For now, there has been no report of death.


    “Six (6) persons have so far been arrested in connection to the crisis and manhunt ongoing for other perpetuators.  3 Ak47 assault rifles, 2 AK47 magazines, 4 single barrel guns, 11 cartridges, 1 axe, 2 hammers, 1 cutlass, 2 handsaws, 1 knife, 3 mobile phones, 1 catapult, 1 broken butt, 19 rounds 

    of 5.56mm, 104 rounds of 7.2mm special and I liter of PMS have so far been recovered. We will be handing over suspects and arms to the NPF for further investigation and prosecution”.    

