Sallah Celebrations: North-East residents commend Army for peaceful celebration; urge stakeholders to emulate Buratai.

    Aftermath of the celebration of the eid el kabir on the 17 and 18 of August 2019, which for many years has become fearful venture, hundreds of residents of North-East Nigeria have expressed joy for the peaceful atmosphere that enveloped the celebrations.

    A random check on various communities and states in the North East during the Sallah showed that the atmosphere was calm with Muslim faithful going about their Sallah celebrations without fear from harassment and intimidation.

    In Borno State, residents expressed delight that the Boko Haram terrorist was not able to disrupt their festivities, unlike in times past where bombs would detonate in religious centres and other places where people are gathered to worship.

    A very relieved district head of Baga, Mallam Shehu Garba stated that this year’s Sallah celebration was one of the most peaceful his community has experienced in recent years.

    He said, “It was an enjoyable and peaceful celebration for us as we went about our normal businesses. But, if not for the presence of the Army who kept watch over our community day and night, we were not sure of what would have happened, especially from the Boko Haram boys.”

    “Soldiers came to us days before the Sallah to ask for our support by reporting suspicious faces and movements and that they were on ground to foil any attempt by the Boko Haram boys to disrupt our celebrations.

    “And true to their words, all went well, and we are very grateful to the Nigerian Army.”

    At Maiduguri Metropolis, residents went about the festivities with excitement and this was confirmed by some residents who expressed satisfaction with the way and manner the Nigerian Army was able to prevent any form of disruption of the festivities by Boko Haram terrorists.

    Mallam Ali Goni, a Tea seller noted that for him, this is the most peaceful Sallah celebration he has witnessed in recent times; as people stayed out late and celebrated into the night without fear.

    “This year’s Sallah was very nice to all of us. We prayed to Allah to protect and save us from the hands of the bad people, and Allah did it for us. We also thank the soldiers who were patrolling everywhere from morning till night,” he said.

    This same sentiment was expressed across other parts of the state which they attributed to the promise by President Muhammadu Buhari that there will be no attacks by Boko Haram fighters or suicide bombers during the sallah..

    “President Muhammadu Buhari is a good man that has the interest of the masses at heart because there is nothing like peace of mind. You can have plenty to eat and drink, but without peace of mind, everything is useless.

    “So we thank him for providing us with adequate security during the Sallah”, said Alhaji Garba Gubio, the head of the tricycle operators in Maiduguri.

    On his part, Mallam Ali Goni, a worker in one of the ministries in Borno state, commended the Nigerian Army for the display of professionalism throughout the duration of the festivities.

    He stated that if all critical stakeholders can maintain this tempo, then lasting peace would return to Borno state and its environs in good time.

    “Most of us have come to understand that if all stakeholders can lend their support to the Nigerian Army; the fight against Boko Haram would have been long concluded.

    However, again, the play of politics by some stakeholders are undermining the efforts of the Nigerian Army, and we believe that with time, these challenges shall be overcome.”

    A similar interaction with religious leaders in other parts of Borno State reveal that the efforts of the Nigerian Army in ensuring that the Sallah celebration was without skirmish recieved very high high commendation.

    A statement said, “The Borno State religious’ council is highly appreciative of the efforts of the Nigerian Army in ensuring that the Boko Haram insurgents did not thwart our Sallah celebrations and that no life was lost throughout the period.”

    “This is one of the best Sallah celebrations for us in North-East Nigeria because people were not stopped from freely practicing their religion, there were no bomb blast, women and children were not kidnapped or harassed and no gunshots anywhere.”

    ‘The Borno State traditional council in its goodwill message to the people during the festivities appreciated the efforts of the Nigerian Army in the restoration of peace in the state and encouraged the hierarchy of the Nigerian Army not to relent in its efforts at ensuring that all citizens are protected at all times.

    An officer who spoke under condition of anonimity said that they were carrying out the directive of the Chief of Army Staff to ensure that they win the heart and minds of the local by feasting and interacting with them.

    “What we are simply doing is an attempt at winning the heart and mind of the locals in line with the directive of the Chief of Army Staff.

    “This is so because the use of force is not the only strategy for the war. You must have the locals on your side at all times, and this much the Nigerian Army has been doing through our cooperate social responsibility initiative.”

    The officer also stated that as part of the CSR initiative of the Nigerian Army, there is a constant visit to liberated communities to assist those that have returned to settle down by helping in reconstruction work, the provision of amnesties such as water.

    “The Nigerian Army has been fully involved in assisting returnees to liberated communities. As a fact, the Chief of Army Staff routinely visits these communities unannounced and away from the press to interact with locals as well as troops stationed in these communities.”

    “This strategy has paid off for the operations of the Nigerian Army in the fight against Boko Haram terrorist as the locals are happy with our operations and provide information to us whenever they notice strange faces in their communities.”

    In his contribution, addition, a security watcher, Dr. Chuks Obigwe said that the security situation in North East Nigerian can be improved tremendously if other critical stakeholders support and emulate the novel strategies introduced by the Chief of Army Staff in the operations of the Nigerian Army in North-East Nigeria.

    He said, “From reports we have gathered from the theatre of operations, it is just a matter of time before North-East Nigeria would be free from Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorist if the relevant stakeholders in International NGO, humanitarian organizations, agencies, and others lend their support to the Nigerian Army.”

    “Worthy of mention is the need for these stakeholders to emulate the Nigerian Army in helping those that have returned to their communities to settle down to overcome their pains and begin their lives.

    “As a first, the mind-set of those that have been affected by the insurgency in North-East Nigeria must be reoriented through constant interaction and acts of kindness in what the Nigerian Army through its CSR initiatives is doing in these communities.

    “I am aware that the Nigerian Army undertakes medical outreaches, assist in the reconstruction of houses and roads in these communities. This is very commendable, and if other stakeholders can do the same, substantial progress would be recorded, and Nigeria would be better for it.”
