The Impact of Strategic Charity in Wartimes (Buratai’s Masterstroke).

    Though superior strategies win battles, only superior characters sustain victories, and victories unsustained are battles lost. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf once said: Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character.

    For me, the groundnorm of the noblest of every human character is charity, from which all good intents and purposes, the most supreme sacrifices, the genuineness of most cherish victories derives their validity.

    Charity is the divinity in human character and the strongest of human strength.

    Throughout human history, legendary leaders have in difficult times, relied on the mastery of charity to rally human spirits and to command divine goodwill to victories and triumphs.

    The rare combination of strategies and charity in legends have won peace from war, rescued liberty from fetters of captivity and saved humanity from extinction.

    The strategic charity deployed by Lt General TY Buratai toward his troops has proven to be the last stroke in his sequential response to national security threats that is driving the final nails in the coffin of insurgency and security in our country.

    The prescient General with his unrivalled insight into the battle dynamics has maintained troops advantage in all fronts through a combination of superior strategies and strategic charity toward his troops.

    According to Gen. Douglas MacArthur: a true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.

    He doesn’t set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.

    This source of high morale has placed in our troops the immortal power of mind and indefatigable spirits of valor that no enemy can match and no weapon can quench.

    With his master-class sequence of retraining, re-equipping, specializing, repositioning and respiritizing of troops, Lt Gen. TY Buratai has denied those multifaceted international criminal organizations fighting our country, a taste of the successes they recorded in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen etc.

    Surprisingly, he has achieved this record fit with meager defense budget when compare to any of those nations that have been overwhelmingly overrun by the same adversaries.

    General Buratai has proven true the following words of Thomas Fuller: it is skill, not strength, that governs a ship.

    We are winning today in all fronts because of superior generalship of this strategy wizard who has in the words of Omar Bradley – learned to set his course by the stars, not by the light of every passing ship.

    Thornton Wilder once said: Leadership is for those who love the public good and are endowed and trained to administer it.

    His love of our country, his training and endowment of mental capacity and good hearted-ness fitted him to his current role of inspiring both the bodies and minds of his troops to victory.

    General George Patton said; My own definition of leadership is this: the capacity and the will to rally men and woman to a common purpose and the character which inspire confidence.

    This to me is the definition of General Buratai.

    His philosophy of strategic charity follows the words of David J Schwartz Whoever is under a mans power is under his protection, too.

    And this has resonated with absolute confidence and unprecedented high morale amongst Nigerian troops in all fronts despite the overwhelming propaganda by the enemies of our nation.

    The promotion of troops welfare and the enhanced reward system have spurred the troops to valiant undertaking to stamp out all criminal elements from every nook and cranny and have seen the troops regularly breaking battle records and setting new records in all fronts to chagrin of our multifaceted foes.

    The just concluded Eid-El-Fitr celebration witness the visit of Chief of Army Staff to the operation area to celebrate with soldiers who in the course of their duty were unable to celebrate with their families.

    For the troops of Operation Hadarin Daji in Zamfara state, having General Buratai, ably represented by the Nigerian Army Chief of Training and Operation, Major General Lamidi Adeosun to celebrate with made it, Eid-El-Fitr to remember.

    It is such common touch of charity in command of men that shows soundness and superiority of ones tactical deftness which has become synonymous with General Buratai relationship with his troops.

    The inspiring shadow of a reliable commander, the resounding echo of his assuring words, and his comradeship, the charity of his intent and troops faith in his tactical ability are the tonics of valiant soldiers.

    The mastery of all these, have made General TY Buratai a modern day wizard of war strategies and has made his troops invisible.

    The bandits in the Northwest are on the run and the herdsmen/militias in the North Central are extinguished, Northeast is fully retaken from Boko Haram and ISWAP, other criminal elements in the Southern Nigeria are being rooted out and a new day of peace is in the horizon.

    God bless General TY Buratai, our gallant Nigerian troops and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    Okey Ayogu
    National Coordinator