Ex-CDS, Gen Martin Agwai, Admiral Sa’ad Ibrahim back Calls for Recall of Retired Military Officers to fight Banditry & Terrorism;  As NDA 36 Regular Course Mourn Death of 39 Officers while in Active Service; CNS Salutes Resilience of Members Despite Career Rigours


Two former Chief’s of Defence Staff, General Martin Luther Agwai (rtd) and Admiral Ola Sa’ad Ibrahim (rtd) have expressed support for the recent disclosure by the Military High Command for retired officers to be called back to join in the fight against the myriads of security challenges ravaging the country.

While General Agwai noted that retired officer’s having been trained at huge cost to the nation to defend its territorial integrity cannot afford to stay aloof and watch insecurity degenerate, Admiral Ola Sa’ad said, retired officer’s must deploy their knowledge in the art of arms and combat both individually and collectively in the nation’s interest when called upon.



Both spoke at the Post-Career Awareness Seminar and Retirement Dinner organized by the 36 Regular Course of the Nigerian Defence Academy in Abuja.

Recall that both the Chief of Defence Staff, General Lucky Irabor and the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Faruk Yahaya had in several meetings with retired senior military officers urged them to be on stand-by despite retirement as current and emerging security threats has made it inevitable their services would still be required in certain aspects.


CNS and Gen Agwai

Agwai said, “While it is practically impossible to address all forseable security challenges, you (36) Course retirees have a duty to continue to proffer solution and suggestions towards tackling the security challenges facing the nation. These is because the nation has invested a lot of money in making you who you are today”.

On his part Ibrahim said, “As retired military officers, you are trained to be focussed, disciplined, and decisive. These attributes will be required anytime the nation have a need. So you should be prepared to deploy your knowledge in the collective search to contain national security challenges. I urge you all to individually and collectively deploy your wealth of experience for the nation’s good when called upon”




In his remarks at the occasion, Chief of the Naval Staff and Patron of 36 Regular Course, Vice Admiral Awwal Zubairu Gambo said there is no doubt that members of the NDA Course 36 Regular Course have had fulfilled service life despite rigors associated with military career.

He said, “As we transit into post service life, which we all know possess its peculiarities, equipping ourselves with necessary strategies, knowledge and acumen to transit seamlessly cannot be overemphasized.


CNS and Rep of Minister of Defence, Permanent Secretary MOD.

“Consequently, this seminar could not have come at a better time than now. It is on this note I will like to sincerely appreciate our indefatigable President (Brig. Gen. Mustapha Onoiveta rtd) as well as all those that conceptualized this magnificent and thoughtful initiative.

“I will like to charge us all to maximize potentials this seminar offers and as we do, I am optimistic that transition to post service life to enjoy another fulfilled life will be seamless.
“The choice of an appropriate topic to drive today’s deliberation is one step to the transition, the more important part is to draw from wealth of experiences of qualified resource persons that can adequately agitate our thinking towards profitable decisions.


Mrs. Aisha Nana Gambo, General Lucky Irabor, Vice Admiral AZ Gambo and Brig Gen Mustapha Onoiveta (rtd) cutting 36 RC cake

“The reminiscences of all that transpired over the 38 years necessitate thanks to God Almighty for granting us mercy to witness this day. We are also grateful to those that impacted in us, just to mention a few like the Hon. Minster of Defence, Maj Gen Bashir Salihi Magashi (rtd), Adm Ibrahim Ogohi (rtd), Maj Gen ID Penab (rtd), Maj Gen PC Tarfa (rtd) as well as RSM Oliver Nzalgana and many others.

“We are indeed grateful. Although some of us that started the journey together are no more with us. However, our thoughts and prayers are with their families and loved ones.


President of Course 36, Brigadier General Mustapha Onoiveta (rtd) in his address disclosed that out of the 205 officers that started the course, 39 of them have paid the supreme sacrifice noting that the remaining members have since forge a bond of unity that have seen through challenges.

His words, “On 24 September 1984, a group of young, enthusiastic, and dedicated Nigerians, numbering 205 chose to start a new life and career which is dedicated to the service of our fatherland.

“These young men mostly in their teens, were oblivious of what awaited them, thereon. But they were determined to forge ahead. These are the Members of 36 Regular Course of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) and together, we have forged a unity that has become the envy of many.


“The Course scored many first among which includes being the Course that pioneered the Degree-awarding programme in the NDA.

“Also, for the first time in the history of Academy, members of the Course passed out on four (4) different occasions. This was as a result of the introduction of the Degree-awarding programme.

“Additionally, at the commencement of ECOMOG’s intervention in Liberia, it is worthy to note that the first Nigerian Army officer that paid the supreme prize in the ECOMOG Operation, was Late Lieutenant AM Idris.

“36 Regular Course is also the first Course to all enlist into NDA same day and all retire from active service on the same day to the glory of God.

“And to the glory of God Almighty, today, one of the Service Chiefs, the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) in the person of Vice Admiral AZ Gambo AM, is a member of this great Course.

We are proud of him and his achievements so far. Sadly, we have lost thirty nine (39) of our members, to date.

“Some years ago, some members of this course came together to establish the 36 RC Family Support Fund, to cater for the families of our departed colleagues. This initiative is what has metamorphosed into the Association of Members of 36 RC of the NDA today.

“Through this platform, we have continued to galvanize members of the course to support ourselves and to also reach out to the widows and/or children of our departed colleagues. The bond among us has been strengthened while we continue to extend hands of fellowship to and among ourselves.

“Some of our course mates had retired from active service much earlier while a larger number retired same day about 6 months ago.

“In the course of our illustrious careers, members of 36 RC held different operational, command and strategic appointments; and through these, contributed immensely to the security and development of the country.

“While we are thankful to God for seeing us safely to the end of our careers, we recognize that life in retirement is quite different from the very active lifestyle that most of us had lived and were used to, for the greater part of our lives.

There is thus, the need to prepare, re-tool and re-engineer our minds to the new realities. It is in view of this and in the spirit of our togetherness that we thought it necessary to first, celebrate God’s goodness and grace upon our lives; and to arrange some programs that will help our members steer a proper course in retirement.”

Lectures delivered at the seminar which held at the National Defence College, include ‘Investment Opportunities and Managing Finances in Retirement’ by Mr. Olusoji Oyawoye and ‘Life After Retirement’ br Mrs. Bisi Oyawoye.