Guards Brigade Commander, Brig Gen Takuti Usman commissions projects; Commends efforts of CO 7 Guards Battalion

As part efforts to ensure adequate security of personnel and welfare within theĀ  Barracks under Guards Brigade and to ensure comfortable working environment that would promote the wellbeing of personnel, the Commanding Officer 7 Guards Battalion, Lt Col Salim Yusuf Hassan recently carried out several projects within the Battalion.
The projects include the remodeling of the Quarter Guard, Duty Room, Barrack No 2 access gate linking the Mambilla barrack and other community as well as the barrack’s Children Park and Guards House also located at the No 2 gate.
Commissioning the Projects, the Commander Guards Brigade, Brigadier General Muhammed Takuti Usman commended the Commanding Officer, Lt Col Salim Yusuf Hassan for the prudent management of resources.
He noted that the people-oriented projects would create conducive atmosphere that would make lifeĀ  bearable for the personnel to carry out all assigned tasks while giving their families and members of the Barrack community great Sense of fulfilment.
Brig Gen Usman added that the projects would no doubt impact positively and improve the living conditions of all residing in the barrack while it also placed the battalion among the finest environment befitting for men of the Nigerian Army.
Appreciating the CO and his team for a job well done which he said would stand the taste of time theĀ  Brigade Commander further urged other officers at the helm of affairs to emulate the good work of the Commanding Officer and his team so as to replicate same in their domain.
Ā Earlier, the Commanding Officer 7 Guards Battalion, Lt Col Salim Hassan noted that on assumption of office, he deemed it necessary to ascertain the state of facilities in the barrack considering the pressure on the facilities.
As such he and his team decided to carry out the projects which is dear to his heart and to add value where ever he finds himself.
Lt Col Hassan expressed gratitude to the Commander Guards Brigade for his guidance and support which he said has made the projects possible.
He assured the Commander and all that the projects would be better maintained to ensure they last the test of time.
The event was attended by all Commanding Officers under the Brigade as well as staff officers, soldiers and also the Barrack community