Improved Availability of Combat, Logistics/Equipment & Transformational Leadership of COAS Driving Troop’s Successes Against Adversaries – Brig Gen Nwachukwu



Authorities of the Nigerian Army have said that the step up and sustained offensive by troops in the various Theatres of operation which is smoking out terrorists and bandits, as well as destroying their camps is attributable to the improved availability of new combat and logistics equipment.

Ditector, Army Public Relations, Brigadier General Onyema Nwachuwu mage this known at a media briefing to herald the Chief Army Staff Annual Conference 2022 holdong in Sokoto

While also attributing the result oriented operations and successes to the focussed and motivational leadership style of the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Faruk Yahaya, Nwachukwu said, “The transformational leadership provided by the COAS both in the battle front is key in troops performance. We have a lot of combat equipment. We have a lot of logistics equipment brought into Nigerian Army operations.


“This has enhanced operations in the North Esst, the North West, North Central. This gives the troop’s, the motivation and the drive. This has accounted for the series of succeses we have achieved’

“In the various theatres, it is no longer business as usual. The COAS goes to the battle front, leads from the front and
others follow. The federal government has done a lot in making these combat equipment logistics equipment availabe.

Nwachukwu continued, “Customarily, the COAS Annual Conference will offer an avenue for reappraisal of the administrative affairs of the Nigerian Army, evaluate and comprehensively review ongoing operational engagements of the NA in all theatres of operations across the six geo-political zones within the year, among other key agenda.

“This will provide the NA an in-depth insight to take far reaching decisions that will be result oriented towards achieving its set objective of addressing the multifaceted security challenges in the country.


“The conference would also create an opportunity for the COAS to have a face to face interaction with all the General officers Commanding, field commanders and other senior officers to provide possible guidance on enhancing NA activities and operations.

“Suffice to say that, the NA has over the years demonstrated its capacity and zeal in defending Nigeria’s territorial integrity and sovereignty against external aggression and giving aid to civil authority in mitigating internal security challenges in the country.

“This is further demonstrated in the purposeful leadership drive of the Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Faruk Yahaya whose efforts have tremendously enhanced the capacity and dexterity of troops in the onslaughts against terrorists, bandits and other criminal elements in the country.

“With his transformational and selfless leadership drive, troops have continued to decimate Boko Haram/ISWAP terroristsin the North East, leading to the obliteration of terrorists high profile commanders, foot soldiers and their hideouts.

“This has led to mass surrendering of terrorists and their family members in droves. Troops have also maintained this through their operational engagements in other theatres of operations in other parts of the country, with significant successes recorded.

“These feats would not have been achieved without the support and collaboration of law abiding Nigerians, sister services and other security agencies, the political leadership and the international community.

He said participants are expected to converge at the venue, the International Conference Centre, Kasarawa, Sokoto State on Monday, December 5 pointing out that the opening will feature a lecture titled “Proliferation of Regional/State Security Outfits in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects” by Gen Martin Luther Agwai (retired), former Chief of Defence Staff.

“On 6 December 2022, there shall be commissioning of various Nigerian Army Civil Military Cooperation projects in various communities in Sokoto State.

“Furthermore, the conference will review decisions taken at the Chief of Army Staff third quarter conference, while series of briefs and other updates bothering on various activities of the NA will be presented and deliberated upon from 7 to 8 December.

“The NA will also seize the opportunity to recognize and appreciate eminent Nigerians who have in no small measure supported the NA. On 9 December, the event will be wrapped up with a closing remark by the COAS Lt Gen Faruk Yahaya. The conference will also deliberate on ways and means through which the NA would continue to enhance national security.

“I, therefore, reiterate the commitment and resolve of NA troops to continue to discharge their duties professionally and proficiently within its constitutional mandate. We will also be resolute in upholding our values of courage, professionalism, sacrifice, respect, discipline and unflinching loyalty to duly constituted authority.”