Insecurity: COAS, Gen Yahaya warns those fueling Crises in the Country to Desist or face consequencies; Charges Commanders to resist attempts by misguided elements to disrepute NA’s image


The Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen Faruk Yahaya has warned those fueling crises in various parts of the country to desist from their unpatriotic acts saying the Nigerian Army will continue to ensure that peace loving Nigerians go about their legitimate businesses and their lives without fear or intimidation

This is just as he reiterated that the directive on the reviewed Nigerian Army Rules of Engagement and Code of Conduct for Operation Safe Conduct for 2023 elections should be adhered to strictly by all during the electioneering period.

“”Thus, Commanders must ensure that subordinates are educated on the guidelines provided in the document. Commanders must also ensure the professional conduct of troops and resist any distraction and attempt by misguided elements to disrepute the image of the Nigerian Army. All must remain professional and apolitical in conduct all through Op Safe Conduct” he said.

Gen Yahaya who spoke at the closing of the 3rd Quarter COAS conference on Friday enjoined all formation and unit commanders on the need to be vigilant, and be aware of all situation through constant monitoring and ensuring proactive solution to situations.

The COAS said, “As you may recall, I stated my resolve to maintain constant interaction with my commanders in the field at the begining of this conference. This is to enable us to collectively appreciate our efforts in the ongoing operations and other Nigerian Army activities across the Country.

“The Conference has indeed afforded us the opportunity to appraise all our activities and we are now rejuvenated towards achieving the goal of discharging our constitutional responsibilities.

“In the course of the Conference, we vigorously examined issues affecting professional conduct of personnel. We equally reviewed training, operations and manpower matters as well as various projects embarked upon by the Nigerian Army.

“Therefore, in the last quarter of the year, I implore you all to lay emphasis on activities that would enable the Nigerian Army to consolidate on the gains so far achieved.

“I want to enjoin all formation and unit commanders on the need to be vigilant, aware of all situation through constant monitoring and ensuring proactive solution to situations.

“Commanders are equally reminded on the need to emplace stringent measures to maintain efficient security of arms and ammunition.

“Additionally, the directive on the reviewed Nigerian Army Rules of Engagement and Code of Conduct for Operation Safe Conduct should be adhered to strictly by all during the electioneering period.

He continued, “As regard the massive ongoing and completed infrastructural projects in all Nigerian Army Cantonments, I urge you commanders to take responsibility and emplace effective measures for their maintenance.

“Still on the welfare of our troops, the NA is developing a robust programme to enhance the rehabilitation and resuscitation of our personnel that are disabled due to injuries from operations. I am sure that when this is completed, the impact on the morale and performance of our troops will speak for itself.

“As you go back to your locations, you are to ensure prompt implementation of the decisions and directives as they relate to your command. I expect that with the improved support we have in terms of logistics and other key combat enablers, we should strive to decisively and quickly defeat the adversaries in all theatres of operations.

“There is no doubt that with our efforts in collaboration with Sister Services and other security agencies, the state of security in the country will continue to improve in the days ahead. I therefore urge all commanders to remain committed, more so that the 2023 electioneering would soon commence.

“It is important that I also reiterate that the Nigerian Army, under my leadership remains loyal to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and to Mr President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. On behalf of the officers and soldiers of the Nigerian Army, I wish to most respectfully reassure the people of our commitment to the defence of Nigeria”.

Commending President Muhammsdu Buhari for his unflinching support to the Nigerian Army which has contributed immensely to the huge successes recorded against the enemies of the Country, he said, “I wish to inform the public that the Nigerian Army would continue to work closely with other security agencies to provide peaceful environment.”