Katsina Police Command rescue 2 female kidnap victims

On Thursday 21/11/2019 at about 16:30hrs, based on a tip off, Operation Puff Adder led by DPO Jibia, succeeded in rescuing two kidnapped female victims.

They are one Kausar Surajo, aged 22yrs of Dutsen Safe Low-cost Katsina and Aisha Ibrahim, aged 28yrs of Baure Village, Batsari LGA of Katsina state.

The duo were kidnapped on 16/11/2019 at Firji village, Niger Republic and taken to a place called Sambisa in Zamfara state.

Victims were found at a location between Katsina and Zamfara states Border, in the dreaded Rugu forest.

Investigation is ongoing please.

SP Gambo Isah
PPRO, Katsina State Police Command