Police arrest kidnappers of Kaduna school girls

Two of the suspected abductors of six female students and two teachers of Engravers College in Chikun local government area of the state, have been arrested, along with the security guard of the school

Spokesman of the Kaduna Police Command, DSP Yakubu Sabo announced the arrests on Saturday.

He said the security guard was arrested for alleged conspiracy in the abduction of the students. The girls were abducted from their school on October 3 and released on 26 October.

The command also arrested 37 other suspected kidnappers and robbers including a five-man kidnap gang that killed their victims after collecting over two million Naira ransom in Kangimi village of Igabi Local Government Area.

During the parade of the suspects at the Kaduna state police command headquarters, Sabo, explained that the arrests were successfully carried out through coordinated raiding of criminal hideouts by Operatives of the IGP’s Special Tactical Squad (STS) and the Command’s Intelligence Response Team as well as active Community Engagement Initiative in line with the Inspector General of Police mandate on Community Policing.

The command also arrested suspects that escaped from Taraba state to hide in Kaduna state after carrying out several kidnapping operations in the northeastern state

According to him, dangerous weapons including 10 AK47 Rifles, four pump actions, two locally made pistols, one locally-made gun, 154 live ammunitions, 17 cartridges, four stolen vehicles and other exhibits were recovered from the suspects during the operations.

Sabo also added that some of the suspects have confessed to a series of kidnappings within and outside the state including the killing of a Policeman in Igabi local government.