Son of Satan and seed of Beelzebub.

 Femi Fani-Kayode

Sadly the madness does not stop there.

On February 3, 2018, Bello Abdullahi Bodejo, the President of Miyetti Allah, which is the umbrella organization of the Fulani herdsmen, said: “Nobody should try to remove Buhari in 2019.

All the Fulani in Nigeria today, our eyes are open. All of us are behind Buhari; we have seen that they want to destroy the Fulani because of Buhari.

We would not allow anybody to intimidate the Federal Government or to take Buhari’s mandate. We would be ready to follow him and fight it.

We are ready to do anything to ensure that Buhari comes back to complete the good work he is doing.” Simply put, what he is saying is that if Buhari does not come back to power in 2019 there will be war.

There is another aspect of the Buhari doctrine, which is worthy of consideration.

Prof. Ango Abdullahi, a notable Fulani leader and the spokesman of the Northern Elders Forum, exposed the mindset of the Fulani conquerors and provided the ethos and rationale for the unprecedented carnage, mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing that Buhari’s kinsmen, the Fulani herdsmen, have unleashed on the Nigerian people, and particularly Christians, over the last three years by saying the following: “Where we originally came from (meaning Futa Jalon in modern day Guniea) you don’t buy land: you only ask for permission to use the land.”

What Abdullahi did not tell the world is that where that permission is denied the practice of the Fulani and the sons of Futa Jalon is to slaughter its owners, wipe out their entire family, eliminate their tribe and steal everything that is on it.

They kill our people like flies. They kill them in the same way that the Islamists, the Jihadists, the Salafists and the Wahhabists killed the Christians and Jews of Lebanon before and during their civil war.

They killed the young, the old, the rich, the poor, the educated, the uneducated, the women, the children, the weak, the vulnerable and the infants.

They killed everybody in sight until the heroic Christian Phalange, with their gallant fighters and courageous warriors, organized themselves, rose to the occasion, and fought back.
And make no mistake about it, if the genocide does not stop, that is precisely what is going to happen in Nigeria.

Tony Masha put it in a nutshell and hit the nail on the head when he wrote the following: “The Fulani conquered the Hausas and Ilorin, part of Yoruba land, during the first jihad. Indeed, all the Hausa Kings, who were accused of being corrupt and not practicing true Islam, were murdered and the Fulani took over their palaces and installed themselves as Emirs since 1804 till today.

The Hausa, the Yoruba, and the Negroes in Nigeria never mustered enough courage to challenge the Fulani Arab and never tried to regain their freedom from them.

This is what has given the Fulani the effrontery to start the second jihad. And while the Chief Fulani warrior, Muhammadu Buhari, is giving the Fulani jihadists a shield, again the timid and timorous Negroes cannot organize to protect themselves from the Fulani jihadists and their Arab cousins.” Masha has spoken well and captured the moment in a succinct and insightful way.

To make matters worse, anyone that expresses concern about this evil agenda and barbarous outrage or attempts to stand in their way is targeted for demystification, humiliation, incarceration, destruction and ultimately death. Not even their fellow Muslims are spared.

Consider the following. When the revered and highly influential Sheik Abdulraheem Aduanigba, Chief Imam Yoruba Ilorin and Chief Imam of Yoruba land, a deeply courageous, wise, God-fearing, pious, devout and righteous man called for the emancipation of the Yoruba Muslims from Fulani domination and manipulation and insisted on the liberation of Ilorin from Fulani hegemony he was promptly arrested and briefly detained by Buhari’s Fulani-controlled police.

Yet despite this vicious persecution I make bold to say that Sheik Aduanigba, who is my friend and brother, is a rising star in the political and religious firmament of Yoruba land and Nigeria that cannot be easily eclipsed, shot down or dimmed.

He has the tacit support and respect of virtually all the Yoruba nationalist groups in the south-west and he is undoubtedly a man to watch going into the future and a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Killing him, locking him up or harassing him for speaking the bitter truth about the excesses and atrocities of the Fulani invaders and aggressors will have grave, far-reaching and disastrous consequences for the Buhari government and will not augur well for the unity of the country.

As an additional insight to our precarious situation permit me to share the words of a core northern commentator by the name of Nuhu Bama.

He said: “I am a Muslim but not Fulani. Let me tell Nigerians the truth. The massive killing in Benue, Taraba and other areas in the country is being strategized, sponsored and carried out by you people’s President Muhammadu Buhari.

It will not stop. Buhari told us that the time to Islamize Nigeria is now and must be carried out by all means. Enough weapons have since been purchased and people trained to carry it out.

It will be worst in 2019. Nobody will stop him from winning in 2019 because he has his gunmen everywhere.

The only person to stop him is Allah, the Almighty God. He has nothing good for Nigeria. If he has why does he not stop the killing?

If he wants the killing to stop today it will stop. Everyone should come out and condemn him. It is now!

Nigerians don’t sleep: evil is on the increase by this very government. If nobody will talk now, I laugh: very soon they will regret. This government is evil!”

These words are relevant and pertinent and they reflect the black heart and diabolical agenda of the Buhari administration.

And anyone that still doubts this should consider what the government-backed Fulani terrorists and militias and the Nigerian Army and Airforce are doing to the proud and courageous Bachama tribe of Numan in Adamawa state.

There is an ongoing attempt to wipe them off the face of the earth and exterminate their entire race by the powers that be and the whole thing is being spear-headed by a former Governor of the state who is a Fulani Muslim himself and who is also a farmer.

This man’s hatred for Christians is legendary and his farm has often been used as a launching pad and rallying point for attacks against the Bachama and other Christians in Adamawa State.

Luckily for us the people of Numan have proved to be irresistible, irrepressible and unbeatable despite suffering heavy casualties and despite the sheer torment, mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide that they have been subjected to.

In spite of their travails they have fought back gallantly, defending themselves courageously, giving as good as they get and often repelling the vicious attacks even though the government and the military have refused to offer them any assistance and have, more often than not, joined forces with the Fulani to bomb and kill them.

Yet Buhari, who is the Life Patron of the murderous Fulani herdsmen and terrorists and the master-puppeteer of this godless heathen agenda, never hid his reprehensible views or evil intentions from the start and I must say that I respect him for that.

When he said that “an attack on Boko Haram is an attack on the north” in 2014, I knew where he was heading.

When he said “the Fulani herdsmen are your brothers and kinsmen: please accommodate them” in 2018 I understood where he stood.

When he said “I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the sharia movement ALL over the country” in 2001, I got the message.

When he said “Christians should not complain when Muslims cut off their limbs in the name of sharia: after all the limbs that are being cut off are Muslim ones and not Christian: in 2001, I heard him loud and clear.

And his proselytizing ways and radical Islamist tendencies were confirmed by the fact that a man that he was to later appoint as his Minister of Information, another Muslim by the name of Lai Mohammed, described the proscription of Boko Haram in 2014 and its being declared as a terrorist organization by the Jonathan administration as “unjust” and “unconstitutional”.

No matter how evil and reprehensible his intentions were at least Buhari has been honest about them from day one. No-one can fault him on that or deny it.

As a consequence of this I have far more respect for him than the quislings, the accursed slaves and the useful idiots from the Middle Belt and the south that surround him and that were used by him to come to power.

I have more respect for him because, like his father Lucifer, he is totally committed to his evil agenda and he does not pretend that it does not exist or attempt to hide it.

I consider him to be a worthy adversary and an implacable foe that I will oppose and fight until he leaves office simply because of what he represents and stands for.

Even though I despise and hate his racist and bigoted agenda that does not mean that I do not respect him.

I accord him the same respect that I accord a poisonous rattle snake, a venomous viper, a starving Boa Constrictor and a hungry python.

I respect him because he is dangerous, ruthless, cold-blooded, totally focused on achieving his sinister objectives, deceptively charming and exceptionally calculating.