100 per cent success achieved as Army concludes 2020 Lieutenant to Captain practical examinations.

​The Nigerian Army Lieutenant to Captain Practical Promotion Examination (LCPPE) 2020 hosted by the 82 Division Nigerian Army has come to a successful end.

This followed the announcement of result by the Examination President and Commander Training and Doctrine Command, Major General Abubakar Tarfa at the Headquarters 82 Division Auditorium Abakpa, Enugu on Saturday 15 February 2020.

Astatement by Col Aliyu Yusuf, Deputy Director, Army Public Relations said, ‘The Examination which was conducted from Monday 10 February to Friday 14 February 2020 recorded 100 percent success as all 89 out of 92 eligible Candidates that were shortlisted by the Nigerian Army passed the Examination while 3 candidates did not report due to official reasons.

“These young officers were rigorously tested in Tactics, Map Reading, Administration in the Field, Driving/Maintenance and French Language.

“As part of new innovation, Physical Fitness Test which involved 3.2Km Combat Race, Press Up, Step Up, Sit Up, Beam Heaving, Obstacle test and 13 Km Combat Walk was successfully carried out” he said.

Addressing the Candidates during his closing remarks, Major General Abubakar Tarfa, said ‘the 100 percent pass achieved by the candidates is as a result of commitment and handwork and an indication that the motive of the examination which is to assess candidates suitability and preparedness for higher responsibility as Junior commanders has been achieved’.

He further charged them to remain disciplined, dedicated and loyal to their Military Oath.

The TRADOC Commander commended members of the Examination Panel, Observers from Army Headquarters, Directing Staffs as well as the General Officer Commanding 82 Division, Major General Lasisi Adegboye, Officers and men of the Division for their tireless effort in hosting and ensuring that the examination was conducted successfully.