105 Dapchi School Girls Returned by Boko Haram, 5 Feared Dead; Girls in terrible conditions-Hospital.

About 105 girls who were kidnapped from Government Girls Science and Technical College (GGSTC), Dapchi, located in Bulabulin, Yunusari Local Government area of Yobe State, have been returned by Boko Haram.

“Nigerian Islamist militant group, Boko Haram on Wednesday returned 105 girls kidnapped from a high school compound in Dapchi a few weeks ago….the militant group came with the girls in 9 vehicles same way they took them away.

“There was confusion in the area as members of the community scampered into the bush as the terror group appeared in the area, first dropping off one the girls in a nearby village and then driving into the center of Dapchi town to drop off the rest of the girls.

“Five of the girls are dead according to sources. It is not clear if the Nigerian government paid any ransom to get the girls released”.

Recall that the federal government recently assured that the Dapchi schoolgirls will soon regain freedom.

Minister of Defence, Mansur Dan-Ali, gave the assurance during an interview session on Dateline Abuja, a Channels Television’s programme.

He said: “It can be earlier; maybe a week, it can be two weeks, but we are on it, and I’m telling you with all sense of sincerity that we are closing in on them”.

“We have dispatched all the surveillance devices we have in terms of air, human resource, intelligence, and other forces that needed to be in place by all possible means and we have made sure that all that’s needed is being done to see that these girls are being found, wherever they are.”

Dan-Ali was also confident that the girls would return in the shortest time owing to the intelligence at the government’s disposal, though he could not say the exact time when this would be.

A faction of Boko Haram is believed to have kidnapped students of Government Girls Science Technical College (GGSTC), Dapchi, in Yobe State on February 19.


Confirming the reports on the release of abducted Dapchi schoolgirls, Chairman of Dapchi schoolgirl’s parents association, Bashir Manzo, said a headcount is imperative to ascertain the numbers of girls released.

According to reports, the girls were said to be been brought and dumped in the village by unknown persons believed to be Boko Haram.

The chairman of the Dapchi schoolgirl’s parents association, Bashir Manzo, confirmed that the girls were brought to Dapchi.

“My relatives and colleagues in Dapchi just informed me that the girls were brought this morning,” he said.

“I am heading to Dapchi now from Damaturu when n I get there we will do a head count to see if all of them have been released.”

It is not yet clear if all the 110 kidnapped girls were freed.

Meanwhile reports just released said the released students are currently undergoing preliminary treatments at the General Hospital, Dapci.

A source said at the hospital, “The girls are looking terrible. Most of them are on drips because they are very exhausted and underfed”.

Speaking on the exact number of girls released, a security because said some of the parents have taken their children away immediately Boko Haram dropped them