2018 Sports Week: 82 Div Nigerian Army renovates pry school, COAS donates tables, chairs, sporting equipment to Onu Ibina school

In the spirit of Civil-Military Cooperation aspect of the Nigerian Army (NA), the Chief of Army Staff(COAS), Lieutenant General Tukur Yusuf Buratai has donated large quantities of tables, desks/chairs and sports equipment/items to Onu-Ibina primary school.

They include 100 pieces each of tables, desks & chairs, 4 footballs, 3 handballs, 3 volleyballs, 2 volleyball nets, 3 basket balls and 1 table tennis table with 4 pairs of bats, 2 tennis net and 10 table tennis balls to the dchool at Onu Ibina Community in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State.

He also approved the immediate renovation of three classrooms of the school especially the ones with worn out roofs and dilapidated structure and ceillings.

The presentation was made on behalf of the COAS, by the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 82 Division NA, Maj Gen Emmanuel Kabuk on thursday the 18th of February, 2018 during the closing ceremony of the Nigerisn Army Sports Festival, 82 Division Chapter.

The Governor of Abia State Dr Okezie Victor Ikpeazu received and handed over the items to the School authority.

He, on behalf of the community, thanked the COAS for the kind gesture that will definitely enhance the Civil Military Cooperation between the NA and the good people of Abia State.

He said, “I thank immensely the COAS and the entire NA for this generous donation.

“I believe, this good gesture and the Sports Festival will foster good Civil Military Cooperation which I consider necessary, to enable NA operate successfully in the state and wherever it finds itself”.

It would be recalled that Onu Ibina community was where the opening and closing ceremonies of the NA Sports Festival 2018, 82 Division Chapter was successfully conducted from the 16th to 18th of October 2018.

During the period, it was observed that in some few classrooms, the roofings were wornout/ dilapidated.

Above all, some pupils were without seats, desks and tables while the school has little or no sporting equipments.

Consequently, as part of the Civil Military Cooperation in line with operations of the NA – under the current leadership, the GOC 82 Division NA, Major General Emmanuel Kabuk briefed the COAS who authorised the prompt purchase and delivery of the items to the school and also directed for the immediate renovation of the dilapidated buildings and roofings.

This uncommon generosity, led to sudden but random dances of joy as well as spontaneous praises for the COAS and the NA by the traditional rulers,teachers, students and youths leaders of the community.

Also, various colourful, energetic and ingenious cultural dance groups deliberately entertained during the occasion which coincided with the birth day of the No 1 citizen of – “The God’s Own State”.

Former COAS Lieutenant General Onyeabor Azubuike Ihejirika – flagged off the Division’s 11Km Combat Marathon Competition.

Commanders of 14 and 34 Brigades as well as 82 Division Garrison, some members of the Abia State Executive Council, Chairman Bende Local Government Area, traditional rulers and other important dignitaries attended the closing ceremony of the NASFEST 2018, 82 Division Chapter as well as witnessed the presentation of the items to the school.

Deputy Director Public Relations