2019 Elections: Nigerian Navy will remain Apolitical – CNS, Vice Admiral Ibas

The Nigerian Navy has said that as the 2019 elections is set to kick off in few weeks tine, it will remain apolitical, committed and loyal to the unity of the nation.

Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Ibok Ette-Ibas made the pledge at the 4th quarter 2018 route match which held in Abuja with about 500 officers and ratings participating.

Represented by Rear Admiral Bergory Ibe-Enwo, the Chief of Naval Transformation, the CNS said, “Significantly,the Nigerian Navy Operations efficiency and combat readiness are premised on both mental and physical fitness of each personnel.

“To this end,the Nigerian Navy has deliberately included quarterly route match apart from various other sporting activities in the schedule of events and these are all aimed at developing physical fitness and mental alertness.

“The successful conduct of this quarterly route match here in Abuja area and indeed in all other naval commissions attests to our readiness and resolve to continue to partner with other security and sister services to defend the territorial integrity of our dear nation, Nigeria.

“Apart from the territorial defence of our nation,the Nigerian Navy has demonstrated the desired will and courage in formidable partnership with other security agencies and these are all targeted towards enhancing Nigeria’s internal security through dedicated internal security operations which we are deeply involved in with other services.

” Undoubtedly,the Nigerian Navy has always availed itself also in emergency and disaster relief across the length and breadth of this country.

“In this wise,I wish to reinstate the Nigerian Navy operational preparedness towards supporting a formidable internal security architecture in conjunction with all other stakeholders regarding the forth coming elections coming up early next year,2019.

“At this juncture, I therefore categorically state that the Nigerian Navy will continue to remain apolitical,we will remain loyal and we will remain committed to the unity of our dear nation and of course,under the leadership of the President and Commander-in-Chief, President Muhammadu Buhari.

Continuing, the CNS said, “I wish to also reaffirm the Nigerian Navy dedication to duty and inflicting support to duty.

” To our resilient personnel and members of the National Youth Service Corpse,NYSC,who have participated with us,we wish to appreciate you for your active participation in this 4th quarter route match.

“I therefore charge you to remain resolute in the discharge of your duties and your valuable contributions towards national cohesion, economic growth and prosperity of our nation.

“Finally,let me conclude by again, congratulating is all for the success of this exercise which went hitch-free.

“It also underscores the degree of your physical fitness and mental alertness as earlier said.

“Let me stress that you have a personal responsibility to make sure you are fit not at times, but all the times for the daunting tasks that are facing is.

“On this note,on behalf of the Chief of the Naval Staff,it is my singular honour and privilege to declare the conclusion of 4th quarter route match 2018 for Abuja area.”

Among senior officers that participated at the 10 kilometer route match from Mogadishu cantonment through Asokoro and back were Rear Admiral Kadiri, the Chief of Training and Operations, Rear Admiral Ogu, the Naval Secretary, Rear Admiral Lassa and Read Admiral Luka, the Director of Administration at NHQ.