8 Task Force Division Hosts NGOs, Others to mark Nigeria’s 57th Anniversary.

The General Officer Commanding (GOC) 8 Task Force Division of the Nigerian Army, Brigadier General Stevenson Olabanji on Monday hosted Governmental and Non – Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operating in the Division’s Area of Responsibility in the  Officers’ Mess Kinnasara Military Cantonment, Monguno, as part of the activities to  commemorate Nigeria’s at 57th Independence Anniversary.

Speaking at the occasion, Brigadier General Olabanji noted that the Independence Anniversary presents an occasion for stock taking and rededication of efforts toward greater achievement.

He expressed appreciation to the NGO Community for complementing the humanitarian activities of the division as well as bringing relief and hope to the traumatized populations of Northern Borno.

He noted that without NGOs the goal of stabilizing the desperate humanitarian situation in the area would be difficult to accomplish.

Speaking further, he commended officers and soldiers of the division for their discipline and steadfastness in the war against Boko Haram terrorists.

Brigadier General Olabanji also urged troops to remain loyal to constituted authority at all times.

Earlier, the division organized Jumma’at Prayers, Sunday Services and Camp.

The Camp Fire which was well attended afforded Commanders, officers, soldiers as well as civilians an opportunity to interact and share experiences.

The climax of the ceremony was the cutting of the Anniversary cake by GOC, assisted by Commanders and civilian dignitaries.

The Organizations which were represented at the occasion include; State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), Medicine Sans Frontier (MSF), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Gisco/United Nations High Commission for Refugees, among others. 


Colonel Timothy Antigha 

Deputy Director Public Relations

8 Task Force Division