African Land Forces Summit: Buratai Urges Collaborative Efforts to Tackle Extremist Organizations in Africa.

African Land Forces Summit: Buratai Urges Collaborative Efforts to Tackle Extremist Organizations in Africa.

 The Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Yusuf Buratai has expressed regret that that terrorism, proliferation of small arms, piracy and human trafficking, remain the major security challenges facing the African continent with rippling effects across the globe.

He said the activities of violent extremist organizations such as Boko Haram, Alshabaab, Ansarudeen and Alqaeda in the Magreb have continued to keep our security forces busy and committed to ensure safety of lives and properties.

As a result, he pointed out that combating the menace of Boko Haram and other violent extremist organizations would require collaborative efforts.

 Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 6th edition of the African Land Forces Summit in Abuja on Monday which has over 60 African, European and the America’s Military Chiefs attending, Buratai said, “In this regard, I am delighted to inform you that Nigeria has recorded significant progress in taming the excesses of the Boko Haram Terrorists Group.

 “I hope to give you some insights on our operational commitments as well as update on the current situation during plenary. 

 “It is my view that combating the menace of Boko Haram and other violent extremist organizations would require collaborative efforts.

 “Therefore, I want to emphasize that our collective action and inaction will have an impact on our efforts to ensure safety and stability of our individual countries, Africa and the world in general. 

 “I therefore, urge all of us to bring to bear our wealth of experiences and expertise to proffer solutions to our security problems.

 “I implore everyone here to engage in deliberate discussions that would explore viable avenues towards forging friendship and alliances that would facilitate us to surmount our challenges.

 “Let me at this point reaffirm the Nigerian Army’s unflinching commitment to take lead roles in Africa towards ensuring peace, security and sustainable development.

 The COAS conveyed Nigerian Army’s desire to continue ‘to partner with our allies’ and inform you that the Nigerian Army training institutions are open to all interested countries who desire to train their personnel in Nigeria.

 He continued, “I want to once again thank the Government of the United States of America and the United States Army Africa for initiating and sponsoring the Summit.

 “Our gratitude also goes to our invited guests and participants from over 60 countries and their governments in making the 6th Edition of the African Land Forces Summit a reality.

 “Permit me to state that, the organization of the African Land Forces Summit is the initiative of the

United States Army Africa. This initiative we must fully support as African Land Forces Commanders.”

 Recalling that the 5th African Land Forces Summit 2017, held at Lilongwe in Malawi provided an avenue for the United States Army Africa and other partners to collaborate and address African Security problems, he said, highlight of the Summit was the knowledge shared in standardizing African Forces and concepts, which is a key requirement for regional inter-operability. 

 He said, “I must say that the outcome has translated into our ability to better enhance security within Africa, protect civilians and promote good governance that advances stability.

 “No doubt, the wealth of experience shared by Army Chiefs from across the continents that graced the event, significantly contributed to meeting the objectives of the 5th Edition. 

 “Drawing from this, I want to specifically thank the Government of the United States and United States Army Africa for giving Nigeria and the Nigerian Army the right to co-host the 6th Edition.

 “The African Land Forces Summit is the single largest gathering of African senior military leaders and other senior Army Chiefs from across the globe on the continent.

 “The forum affords the African countries the avenue to share experiences on global terrorism and to forge common approach to combating transnational threats and crimes such as violent extremist organizations, terrorism, arms proliferation and piracy. 

 “The Summit also affords military leaders the opportunity to interact with the aim of strengthening existing relationships and developing new ones.”