Alleged $1.4million Contract Scandal over Construction of Level 2 Army Hospital Unfounded: Defence Ministry.

The ministry of Defence has stated that allegations against top officials of the Ministry of Defence, including the office of the minister of circumventing due protest in the re-award of a $1.4million Level 2 Army Hospital Construction under United Nations Mission in Mali are unfounded.

The ministry also debunked the allegation of fraud in the contract award saying Mansur Muhammad Dan Ali (Defence Minister) will not compromise due process, transparency and anti-graft policy in award of contract.

A statement signed by Col Tukur Gusau, Public Relations Officer to the Minister said, “The attention of the minister of Defence has been drawn to an online social media report being circulated alleging fraud in the award and execution of a contract involving relocation and refurbishment of the Nigerian Army Level 2 Military Hospital under the United Nations Multi-dimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and persecution of an Army General.

“The fact of the matter is that the procedure of awarding contract by the ministry of Defence is in line with the existing procurement act of the federal government of Nigeria.

“The award of the contract of the Level ll hospital under MINUSMA has undergone due process as stated in the procurement act.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the ministry of Defence under Mansur Muhammad Dan Ali will not compromise due process, transparency and anti-graft policy of the federal government.

“The ministry of Defence will not be blackmailed or deterred from performing its noble course.

“The said contract has already been successfully executed and the contractor has requested for a team from the ministry of Defence in conjunction with the Defence headquarters to carry out completion inspection of the project. The team is due in Mali soon.

“There is no case of fraud in the project as alleged in the report as all the parties involved are duly satisfied with the process leading to the award of the contract.

“The case of the Army General currently standing trial at Army Court Martial has no connection with any award of contract by the ministry of Defence.”


Col Tukur Gusau,

Public Relations Officer, Minister of Defence.