44th AANI AGM: Allow Traditional Rulers, Local Government Councils to Function for Insecurity to be defeated – DG NARC, Gen Wahab

The Federal and States governments have been called upon to allow traditionals rulers and the traditional institution as well as the local government administration who are closervto the people to function as they are the surest way to ackle insecurity.

Director General of the Nigerian Army Resource Centre, Major Gen Wahab Garba (rtd) made this known at the 44th annual general meeting of the alumni association of the National institute (AANI) of Policy and Strategic Studies, Jos.

Speaking on the theme of the AGM titled ‘Security as a Collective Responsibility’, as the guest lecturer at the occasion, Gen Wahab said that solving the myriads of security challenges would be most effective from the grassroots level.

While noting the government’s interferance in the activities and running of traditional institutions as well as the effective operations of the local government councils had weakened the abilities of both institutions to perform their duties, he said, ,”We need to tackle insecurity right from the grassroots and for this to be achieved, the traditional institution and the local vovernment councils must be involved”.

“At that level, people know themselves. We need to get that clear. The State governors should allow the 774 local government councils to operate effectively. If that is done, it becomes easier for us to get people to be involved and you cannot do that without the involvement of traditional rulers because they command so much respect within their communities”.

Gen Wahab also called for good governance and inclusiveness noting that governance without inclusiveness is governance of exclusiveness with a high possibility of impunity

“Every segment of the society must be given a sense of belonging. If everybody plays their role, and are involved, then you have collective responsibility in addressing insecurity

Also, “Impunity fuels crime as long as people know there would be no consequencies for their actions. So there should be structures, empowered to monitor and punish impunity, and those who don’t perform assigned responsibilities should face consequencies”.

In his goodwill submission, a former Director in the DSS, Barr Mike Ejiofor said Nigeria does not lack solutions to tackle insecurity going be the many researches and presntations availabe but the political willl to implement these solutions.

He reiterated the call by security experts and others for amendment to the constitution to provide powers to the traditional institution to provide local security in their domains.

While expressing support for state police, he said it is not true that states cannot meet up with fianancial responsibilities as all the states in the federation were currently funding various vigilante groups in the country.

President of AANI, Ambassador Emmanuel Okafor in his address lamented that the challenges of insecurity and economic hardship have created social tension, attacks on food transportation and looting of food storage facilities.

On the state of the nation, he said, “Nigeria is currently facing a very difficult time, when the twin challenges of insecurity and economic difficulties have slowed down activities in all sectors of the economy.

“This has created social tension including street protests and looting of food items.

‘As part of AANI’s contribution in restoring normalcy, we are partnering with various stakeholders to promote good governance and sustainable development across the country in line with our overall objective of working towards a better society.

“In this regard, AANI partnered with the Center for Transparency and Integrity Watch to host an ‘International Symposium on Countering Organised Crime in Africa: Building Resilient Institutions to counter Emerging Threats.

“We are also currently working with the Ministry of Defense to hold security sensitization seminars in all the geo political zones of the federation.

“We have already developed a concept note and on the verge of signing an MOU with the Defence Headquarters for the Implementation of the project.

“All states chapters will have roles to play towards the success of the advocacy”

Continuing he said, “We believe that the change of attitude and efforts required to rescue Nigeria from the current security challenges is a collective responsibility that requires broad based commitment and consistent implementation of comprehensive national development plans”.

Present at the AGM were Past Presidents of AANI including Major Gen Lawrence Onoja (rtd), former GOC 3 Armoured Division, Nigerian Army and former Chief of Staff to former Military President, Gen Ibrahim Babangida, among others.