Amnesty to NA: We want independent investigation of human rights abuses

Amnesty International on Thursday reacted to the Nigerian Army’s inauguration of a board of inquiry into alleged human rights abuses against IPOB, Shittes and Boko Haram suspects saying that any inquiry into human rights abuses by the Nigerian Army should be independent of the military.
In a press release Amnesty International Nigeria’s Interim Director Makmid Kamara said: “This commitment from the Nigerian army to investigate human rights violations carried out by military personnel is encouraging.”
He said: “The military’s announcement indicates its willingness to bring those responsible for such violations to account, and deliver justice for the many victims.”
However, He noted that: “While this is clearly a positive step, Amnesty International repeats its long-standing recommendation that any inquiry into human rights violations by the Nigerian army should be independent of the military, impartial and thorough, and its findings made public.”
He added that: “All members of the military suspected of criminal responsibility, including for crimes under international law, should be brought to justice in fair trials before civilian courts without recourse to the death penalty.”
He explained that: “With our research showing that members of the Nigerian security forces continue to commit serious violations including extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, torture and other ill-treatment, such an investigation is sorely needed.”