Appointment of Service Chiefs: Rotation among 6 zones canvassed by CNS

The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral Ibok-Ette Ibas, has canvassed fixed tenure and rotation of the appointments of the Service Chiefs among Nigeria’s six geo-political zones.

At a public hearing organized by the House of Representatives committee on Defence, the CNS who was represented by Navy Commodore GI Ubong, Admiral Ibas stated opined that the appoint­ment of Service Chiefs should be ten­ured and made rotational through an amendment of the exist­ing Armed Forces Act, 2004.

At the public hearing which was to critically examine five bills refer to it by the legislators, Admiral Ibas explained that the ap­pointment of Service Chiefs by the President and Command­er-in-Chief of the Armed Forces through an amend­ment of the Armed Forc­es Act will boost the morale of serving military officers in the country

In a similar vein, the Minister of Defence, Mansur Muhammad Dan Ali noted that Sec­tion 18 of the Armed Forces Act should be deleted so that the President can exercise his constitutional powers to ap­point Service Chiefs.

The minister who was rep­resented by the ministry’s Per­manent Secretary, Ambassa­dor Danjuma Sheni, said that the appointment of Service Chiefs under the existing Act was in conflict with constitu­tional provision on the matter.

He cited Section 218 of the 1999 Constitution (as amend­ed) which empowers the Pres­ident to appoint the Service Chiefs to buttress his position.

The Speaker of the House, Hon. Yakubu Dogara, said that the Nigerian Armed Forc­es need to be strengthened to among others, combat insur­gency in the North East re­gion.

Dogara in his opening remarks stated that the effec­tiveness of the nation’s securi­ty architecture is predicated on the manner of emergence of its leadership.

Sponsors of 5 Bills, Hon. Ed­ward Pwajok (Plateau, APC), Hon. Joan Mrakpo (Delta, PDP), Hon. Nnanna Igbokwe (Imo, PDP) and Hon. Sanni Abdu (Bauchi, PDP), said that the amendment will strength­en the security agencies to per­form optimally both in pre and post -conflict situations.