Army uncovers plot to derail May 29 handing over by Mischief makers; After failure to Scuttle 2019 elections

The Nigerian Army said on Saturday that it has uncovered plots by those it referred to as mischief makers and unpatriotic elements to derail the May 29 hand over of government.

The Army said that these persons, have fail to prevent the 2019 general elections from holding succesfully, are hobnobbing and sponsoring Boko Haram terrorists as well as banditry to put the country and security agencies on edge.

A statement by the Acting Director, Army Public Relations giving details, said, “The Nigerian Army has noted with great concern efforts by some unpatriotic individuals groups and foreign interests determined to cause mischief and exacerbate the security situation in this country in particular and West African Sub-region.

“These persons and groups are making concerted efforts to further induce ISWAP/Boko Haram terrorists and bandits with funds and other logistic supports.

“Their body language and unguarded utterances seems to be in tandem with above and imply tacit support for the criminals.

“For example, credible source has shown that some individuals are hobnobbing with Boko Haram terrorists, while others are deliberately churning falsehood against the security agencies with a view to set the military against the people and the government.

“They are also demoralising troops and security agencies through false accusations and fake news.

“Therefore, it has become necessary to inform the public and warn such persons and groups to desist as the consequences of their actions would be calamitous to themselves and our great country.

” Some of these mischievous elements thought that we would not have a safe and successful general elections but were proved wrong, hence they want to derail the scheduled handing over later this month and to scuttle the democratic process in the country.

“We also noted that foreign interests are also working assiduously to cause disaffection and divide the coalition Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) to give room for the so-called Islamic State for West African Province (ISWAP) and its defeated local franchise, Boko Haram terrorists group to

“While we have confidence on the Federal Government of Nigeria’s efforts at sustaining and reinvigorating the MNJTF to continue it’s good work, we would not relent in clearing the visages and remnants of Boko Haram terrorists and their sympathisers.

“The Nigerian Army is a stakeholder in our national security and sustenance of democracy in Nigeria.

“Additionally, we are making this statement because the military, particularly the Nigerian Army, has always been called upon to intervene in conflict situations in order to resolve crises in most cases when they get worse, while the public expect miracles.

“We would like to reiterate our unalloyed loyalty to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and we are determined more than ever before, to continue to uphold the constitution and defend the territorial integrity of this nation from both external and internal aggression.

” Nigeria is a sovereign country with clearly established judicial system, therefore all aggrieved persons and groups should take advantage of that and resolve differences amicably.”