As Operational Failures Continue; ISWAP resorts to propaganda

Following scores of operational losses inflicted by the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) and national forces on the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) in the Lake Chad Area, in the last couple of weeks, the terrorist organization has resorted to misinformation and propaganda, in a bid to retain its sponsors, supporters and also impress potential recruits.

In a series of falsehoods contained in Issue 185 of its NAL – NABA Magazine of 7 June 2019. ISWAP claimed to have attacked locations in Nigeria and Niger Republic.

These claims are misleading, untrue and should therefore be disregarded by the public.

The reality is that in an effort to shore up it’s waning influence in the Lake Chad Area, ISWAP instigated some skirmishes which were all neutralized at heavy personnel and equipment costs to ISWAP.

This can in no way justify the falsehoods contained in the ISWAP propaganda publication.

In the light of the forgoing, It is important and urgent to warn the public that part of a recently discovered ISWAP deception plan is to continue on it’s current misinformation with the embedded radicalization program, as a prelude to launching a recruitment drive in the months to come.

The ultimate aim is to find replacement among the population for the hundreds of terrorists killed by the MNJTF and national forces in the ongoing Operation Yancin Tafki.

Consequently, traditional, religious, community leaders and parents are advised to closely monitor their wards to prevent them from being en-snared by ISWAP propaganda.

Colonel Timothy Antigha
Chief of Military Public Information
MNJTF, N’Djamena – Chad