Bama Attack: Troops Killed 22 Boko Haram Terrorists, One Soldier injured, Vehicles Bugged down by bad terrain; Army Deny 5 Soldiers were killed by Terrorists in Adamawa/Hoisting of Flag.

Authorities of the Nigerian Army said on Monday that several of its soldiers were missing following Boko Haram attack on its base in Bama noting rather, that troops killed 22 terrorists while only one soldier was injured and its vehicles bugged down by bad terrain during the fighting. 

It said, “The attention of the Nigerian Army has been drawn to news making the round alleging attack on soldiers and capturing of military vehicles by Boko Haram in Bama Local Government Area of Borno State. 

“The Nigerian Army wishes to state categorically that the report is not only untrue but misleading as the said report is blown out of proportion by the media. 

“Contrary to the report, the Nigerian Army wishes to put the record straight on the issue and assure members of the public particularly residents of the North East to disregard the report as their safety is guaranteed.  

A statement by Brigadier General Texas Chukwu, Director, Army Public Relations said, “The Nigeria Army wishes to state that there was an attempted attack on troops at Kwakwa and Chingori communities in Bama area of Borno State by suspected Boko Haram Terrorists as a result of difficult terrain where our vehicles bugged down.   

“The terrorists also attempted to cart away troops operational vehicles, but were successfully repelled by our gallant troops with the support of the Nigerian Air Force. 

“About 22 members of Borno Haram terrorists were neutralized while several others escaped with gunshot wounds. Efforts are being intensified by the troops to get the fleeing members of the Boko Haram terrorists. 

“Unfortunately, one officer and a soldier sustained injuries and are currently receiving medical attention at the military medical facility.  

“While the Nigerian Army would not join issues with the media, certain facts must be reported with caution particularly now that numerous successes have been recorded by the troops in the fight against insurgency. 

“Members of the public are hereby advised to disregard the report and go about their legitimate businesses as the Nigerian Army is on top of the situation. 

“It is my well-thought-out opinion that in future, media practitioners should endeavour to verify facts from the appropriate military authority before rushing to the press” 

Also, the Army denied reports that Boko Haram terrorists attacked its location in Adamawa and killed five of its Soldiers..  

The army said the reports was part of calculated attempts to put fear into the minds of returning IDPs going back to their liberated communities and dissuade them. 

According to Brigadier General Texas Chukwu, Director, Army Public Relations said, “The attention of the Nigerian Army has been drawn to a purported story published in a media organization on Friday 13 July 2018 captioned ‘’BOKO HARM KILL 5, HOIST  FLAG IN ADAMAWA.’’   

“The Nigerian Army wishes to state that the story is not only untrue but also misleading. 

“Indeed, the Nigerian Army sees the story as a calculated attempt to drag it into mud despite numerous successes recorded against the Boko Haram Terrorists. 

“More so, that the large number of civilian populace have returned to their ancestral homes where farming, fishing and other economic activities have commenced. 

“While the Nigerian Army would not join issues with the media organization in Yola, certain facts must be reported with dignity.  

“It is on record that successes so far achieved in the North East are internationally acknowledged.

The Media organization is please advised to retract the story as it is an attempt to erode all the gains the Nigerian Army and other  security agencies  have so far achieved. 

“Members of the public are hereby advised to disregard this publication and go about their lawful activities.

“The Nigerian Army wishes to advised media practitioners to always cross checked their facts before rushing to the press.”