Boko Haram: 5 Suicide Bombers kill 3, injure 20 people in Maiduguri

A series of bomb blasts have occurred in 3 locations around Muna Garage area of Maiduguri metropolis.

A statement by Abdulkadir Ibrahim, Information officer, NEMA North East Zone said the incidents which occurred at about 4 am resulted to the death of three persons while 20 suffered injuries.

He said, “The first location is Muna Kumbori an unofficial host community camp housing 199 internally displaced persons attacked by three suicide bombers which led to the death of 2 innocent persons.

“The second location is Muna Dagalti which was attacked by 1 suicide bomber killing 1 innocent person.

“The third location is Muna Bulaya attacked by 1 suicide bomber who was the only casuality.

“A total of 5 suicide bombers all male adults were involved in the incidents killing 3 innocent persons.

“At least 20 people with various degrees of injuries were administered with first aid by Emergency response team and transported to the state specialist hospital while the remains of the dead have been deposited in the mortuary.

NEMA officials told AFP that the bomb blasts rocked the camp for IDPs who fled Boko Haram insurgent attacks near Maiduguri early Wednesday, officials said.

“There were four explosions inside the camp,” the coordinator of the Muna camp Tijjani Lumani told AFP. “The bombers struck at different locations around 4:30 am.

“The explosions triggered fires which burned down many tents”.

 “There were some suicide explosions in Muna camp. Our men have mobilized to the scene,” Ibrahim Abduljkadir of the National Emergency Management Agency in the region told AFP.

 Muna camp, on the edge of Maiduguri, is currently home to tens of thousands of people who have fled Boko Haram.

 The Islamist insurgency has killed at least 20,000 people and forced more than 2.6 million others from their homes since it began in northeast Nigeria in 2009.

 Boko Haram has continued to target the internally displaced people (IDPs) and there have been several attempted suicide bomb attacks near Muna camp, which is not fenced off and is easily accessible.

 Aid workers said last week that the Muna camp residents are facing a severe lack of water, compounding widespread food shortages and security fears.