Buhari urged to resign and get treatment.

Erstwhile Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation, Abdulmumin Jibrin has appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to resign.

In several tweets, Jibrin who titled his campaign for Buhari’s resignation, ‘PMB TIME TO LET GO’, said the president should resign because of his health, which has left many of his supporters worried.

Some of the tweets read, “PMB, TIME TO LET GO: So many issues are left unattended even small issues that a presidential cough can deal with are left hanging.

“Supporters are worried, understandably resorting to grumbling in hush voices while keeping bold faces and holding on to hope and prayers.

“The Govt. has so many soft targets for internal and external opposition to feast. We must tell ourselves the truth rather than live in denial

“At PMB’s age, working actively for over 50 years, even without his present health condition, his capacity will be greatly challenged.

“Mr. President himself admitted that he has never been this sick in his entire life which makes the entire scenario really worrisome.

“Then we are reminded every day that PMB will travel abroad again to attend to his health as if it is just normal and we should celebrate?

“I believe that the combination of these two factors of his age and health situation has slowed down the pace of PMB and the APC govt.

“This has become clearly noticeable because it is a time that the country is expected to be on auto cruise in dealing with its challenges, bearing in mind that the present APC government is fast running out of time yet things continue to go even slower, slower and slower!

“The more PMB appears on camera, the more the narrative of his health situation takes the Centre Stage and the uncertainty it creates.

“The president I see on camera needs full home care not office, moderately quiet life, enough rest and quality time with his family

“It is a narrative that has overpowered whatever official function Mr. President is discharging since his return from medical vacation.

“PMB gave his all to Nigeria. He is a great man, an enigma like Mandela. If we truly love him, we must not allow him to be rubbished.

“Life and health belong to God but the more I see pictures of Mr. President, the more I am convinced he needs to go and rest. He needs it!

“Sometimes there is no harm in been driven in a car you labour to buy and who knows? You might even enjoy the ride better on owners’ seat.

“PMB should opt for or encourage accepting a negotiated exit. The country cannot afford a sort of part-time president at this time.

“This is not as easy but it is doable. I do not think PMB is obsessed with power, I only think the practical way to go about things is to key in the interest of those who are or can be an obstacle around the president for fear of losing their positions or relevance.

“The interest of PMB himself, his family and friends, some officials and regional sentiments are interest that should be addressed.

“If we truly love PMB, we must apply some urgent diplomacy, resolve these issues quickly, move on and save the country valuable time.

“Mr. President can be giving a special concession to nominate a new VP. We should expect that he nominates a very competent northerner.

“A nominee that can get things done and have the capacity to unite the north and assuage it feelings for losing the presidency again.

“We the northerners should accept it as destiny, may be Almighty God is so disappointed with the present generation of northern leaders.

“And maybe God wants to reserve the northern presidential slot for the younger and vibrant northern generation that will come after us.

“I also believe Mrs. Buhari is competent enough and can be considered for a cabinet position. She has paid her dues in APC, anyway.

“The incoming President will have to do some diplomatic shuttle to few powerful officials to address whatever their fears may be.

“A committee of all former heads of states, APC leaders and DSS can work together to push through this agenda in our collective interest.

“I apologize to anybody who might misunderstand my tweets or feel offended. I have to love PMB even more and have nothing against him.

“But this is my candid opinion and advice. It may not be the case or perfect but it has conviction of my conscience and I will sleep well.

“I have listened to many arguments; none is worth the life of PMB. He has done his best. I believe it is time he let go.”