Kogi CP, Hakeem Busari kick-starts Operation Puff Adder to checkmate bandits, other crininalities in the state

Kogi State Commissioner of Police, Hakeem Busari has kick-started Operation Puff Adder against banditry and other criminalities in the state.

In a news briefing to herald the operation in Lokoja on Tuesday, CP Busari said, “You may recall that following the upsurge of activities of armed bandits, kidnappers, cattle rustlers, social miscreants and hoodlums in some States of the Federation, the Inspector General of Police, IGP Mohammed Adamu launched ” Operation Puff Adder” on 5/4/2019 at Katari Bishin District to reassures citizens of their safety.

“I am pleased to inform you that, IGP has graciously deployed the Special Squad named ” Operation Puff Adder” comprising units from Police Mobile Force (PMF), Countee Terrorism Units ( CTU), IGP-Special Tactical Squad ( STS), Explosive Ordinance Department (EOD), Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), and IGP-Intelligence Response Team (IRT) to Kogi State to quickly address the situations. Consequently, the team arrived Lokoja and to be complemented by the State Command workforce.


The Inspector General of Police charged the special squad with the following responsibilities among others.

1. To appreciate the worrisome crime situation in Kogi State and quickly design a template to contain the same.

2. To identify all criminal syndicates, their leaders/foot soldiers, sponsors and arrest them with operational precision.

3. To carryout sporadic raids of their houses/homes, hideouts, rendezvous and other tabernacles and recover arms and ammunition, dangerous weapons, dangerous charms and all other items/properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

4. To identify kidnappers safe havens, hideouts, warehouses, liberate victims and arrest culprits.

5. Dominate Kogi State and restore the confidence of the people.

4. In total compliance with the directive of the Inspector General of Police, IGP Mohammed Adamu NPM, mni to deliberately put measures aimed at curbing the excesses of criminal elements threatening our internal security, today Tuesday 9/4/2019, I am inaugurating this robust security action plan tagged ‘Operation Puff Adder’ in Kogi State.

5. This operation involves massive deployment of well-trained, well-equipped and well-motivated personnel geared towards ridding Kogi State, especially Lokoja-Abuja Expressway, Lokoja-Okene road, Lokoja-Ajaokuta road, Obajana-Kabba road, Okene-Auchi road, Ajaokuta-Itobe-Anyigba-Ankpa roads, Bagana and Ogba Community village all in Omala Local Government Area and BASSA Local Government of all forms of crimes and criminality.

6. Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to say that, there is no Police agency anywhere in the world, no matter how well-tarained, equipped and motivated that can solely achieve its safety mandate without the support from the public. I urge all Kogites particularly, traditional rulers, religious leaders, Youth groups, market bodies, Farmers, Hunters, National Union of Road Transport Workers, Okada Union and Tricycle Union among others for their maximum support in fight against criminals especially kidnappers, armed bandits, cattle rustlers among others.

7. My special appeal goes to drivers, commuters, and all citizens that might come in contact with Police Officers deployed for the operation to cooperate with them and show understanding in the interest if public safety.

8. Those who engage in criminal activities are warned to desist from such and hand over their arms and ammunition to the Police and engage in something meaningful for their lives or be prepared to face the full consequences of their actions.

CP Hakeem A. Busari,
Commissioner of Police,
Kogi State Police Command.