CAS Presents Group Personal Accident Cheque’s to Families of 13 Deceased NAF Officers: Honours Flying Officer David Sangokoya for Winning International Cadet Sword of Honour at UK Royal Air Force College, Cranwell.

The Nigerian Air force on Monday activated the Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy for officers and airmen of who lost their lives in various air operations and other counter insurgency battles with families and next of kin’s of 13 deceased officers getting group personal accident insurance cheques from the Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar of Monday in Abuja.

Speaking at the occasion, Air Marshal Abubakar said, “Nigerian Air Force personnel face constant exposure to extreme hazards that carry the risk of life-altering consequences or, in the worst cases, tragic loss of life. It is in light of this reality that the Nigerian Air Force established various welfare insurance incentives to cushion the impact of workplace accidents, on our personnel and their families.

“While earlier policies primarily focused on life insurance, we recognized a gap, as there was no specific coverage for those who had become disabled or injured in the course of duty. Today, we take a historic step to bridge that gap with the activation of the Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy.“

This policy provides compensation for bodily injuries, temporary or permanent disabilities, and even death. It also covers medical expenses incurred as a result of accidents and offers salary reimbursement while the personnel are hospitalized. Importantly, the Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy runs concurrently with existing insurance policies, filling in the financial gaps that are not covered by other schemes.

“The presentation of cheques to the first set of beneficiaries addresses a critical welfare need for the affected personnel and their families.

“While these cheques cannot undo the loss, or reverse the disabilities suffered, they provide some comfort and reassure survivors that the Nigerian Air Force stands firmly with them.

“They also convey a strong message to all personnel who bravely serve this great nation, that the Service will never abandon them.

While paying “tribute to our fallen heroes and wounded warriors for the immense sacrifices made in the line of duty” he said, “Their courage and dedication will forever inspire us, and we will continue to stand by the families they left behind.

“The policy is also in fulfillment of one of the key drivers of my Command Philosophy, which is “Maintaining a Highly Motivated Force by Enhancing Welfare and Infrastructural Renewal.”

Continuing he said, “I always say that in every organization, the human element is the most critical because it is the driving force behind all organizational success. To unlock its full potential, the human element must be motivated through comprehensive welfare initiatives, including recognition, compensation, and opportunities for growth.

“When personnel feel valued and inspired, they become empowered to break barriers, conquer new frontiers and make personal sacrifices for the call of duty.

Air Marshal Abubakar also recognized an extraordinary achievement, that recently placed the Nigerian Air Force in the international spotlight saying, “We are also here to honour Flying Officer David Oluwagbemiga Sangokoya, a young officer whose outstanding performance, not only earned him the title of best graduating cadet, but also saw him win the highly coveted International Cadet Sword of Honour for 2023-2024 from the Royal Air Force College Cranwell.

“This achievement is truly ground-breaking as it is the first time that any cadet from the African continent has won this prestigious award, since the inception of the Academy, over hundred years ago.

“This feat underscores the excellence that exists within the Nigerian Air Force, proving that our officers and cadets can stand shoulder to shoulder with the best in the world.

Furthermore he said, “To our award recipient, you have set a new standard, not just for your peers, but for every cadet and officer that will come after you. This accomplishment is a powerful reminder that no goal is out of reach when one is armed with dedication, discipline, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

“Your journey as an officer has begun with this prestigious accolade, but the true measure of your success will be seen in how you serve, lead, and contribute to the mission of the Nigerian Air Force and the defence of our great nation.

“As we celebrate this historic occasion, we extend our deepest gratitude to the United Kingdom Government for its unwavering support in providing world-class training opportunities to our personnel. This has enabled our officers and men to gain invaluable skills and knowledge, strengthening not only our bilateral ties but also our collective ability to address global security challenges. We look forward to continuing this fruitful partnership for the mutual benefit of our countries.

“I must also take a moment to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the leadership of the Nigerian Defence Academy and the instructors who helped to mould and prepare this cadet for the global stage. Their dedication and commitment to developing top-notch officers is evident in this groundbreaking achievement. You have not only trained a leader but have given the Nigerian Air Force a legacy we will all cherish.”

“To the family and loved ones of this remarkable cadet, thank you for your support and sacrifices. Behind every great achievement lies a network of support, and your encouragement has undoubtedly played a critical role in today’s success.

Earlier in his welcome address, Chief of Administration, Air Vice Marshal I Sani said, “Since 1st, January 2024, being the effective date of commencement of the Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy, 14 Nigerian Air Force personnel have been involved in different form of accidents leading to death.

“In the light of the foregoing, the first beneficiaries of the insurance policy who are Next of Kins of the deceased personnel with one still under processing are available to receive their cheques.

“While the Service commiserates with them for the irreparable losses, we reassure them that the NAF leadership will continue to do everything within its capacity to enhance the well-being of families they left behind.

While extolling the efforts of the Chief of the Air Staff in making this insurance policy a reality, AVM Sani, “In the areas of sustaining personnel welfare, being a Service, the NAF has made remarkable efforts towards providing standard accommodation, revamping schools and hospitals infrastructures to carter for its serving and retired personnel and their families.

“The NAF insures its personnel against adverse fallouts of active engagements. However, the Chief of the Air Staff has gone further to institutionalize other incentives which provides further cushioning for personnel who may have suffered death, disability or injury through accidents of duty. Today’s event therefore unveils the comfort of the Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy (GPAIP).”