CNPP Tasks New NASS Leadership on People Oriented Legislation

Conference of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP) has urged the newly elected leaders of the upper and lower chambers of the National Assembly to make the people who elected them the centre of their legislative and oversight activities in the next four years.

While congratulating the new legislative leaders for their victory, the CNPP, in a statement issued in Abuja on Monday and signed by its Secretary General, Chief Willy Ezugwu, also urged them to uphold the independence of the hallowed chambers while discharging their duties as lawmakers.

The umbrella organization of all registered political parties and political associations noted, “now that elections are over, it is time to ensure that Nigerians get dividend of democracy that have consistently eluded them over the years.

“We advise every member of the Senate and the House of Representatives to represent the interest of their constituents who voted for them.

“The time to pursue political party interest to the detriment of the well-being of the electorate is over as the people are getting more and more frustrated but holding on in hope that politicians can keep to their campaign promises.

“In exercising legislative duties, including oversight functions, our legislative representatives at both chambers of the National Assembly must not be the executive’s rubber-stamp lawmakers or political party stooges but our true representatives.

“The interests of constituents and the general good of all Nigerians must be the center of the activities of the 9th National Assembly.

“We therefore demand uttermost openness and accountability to the people in the running of the current national legislative houses for guaranteed national unity and even development of the country”, the CNPP stated.