Combating Terrorism: National Defence College, Nigeria & US National Defence University hold bilateral Training Workshop

The National Defence College, Nigeria and the College of International Security Affairs, National Defence University Washington held a bilateral training workshop for faculty members on combating terrorism and irregular threats curriculum development.
The workshop took place at the Centre for Strategic Research and Studies of the National Defence College Nigeria from 10 – 14 September 2018.
The workshop was geared towards sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas between faculty members of the institutions on strategic level estimates on irregular threats.
The plenary covered irregular threats in the contemporary security environment, lexicon on operational design and framework as well as strategic framework estimate on the Boko Haram insurgency.
It also covered the speciality issues, Sri Lanka on counter terrorism/counter insurgency, the Nexus and linkages and also practical exercises on Boko Haram insurgency.
A strategic estimate framework was developed and used as a critical tool in dealing with current security challenges in Nigeria and the Sahel region.
Prior to the commencement of the workshop, the leader of the College of International Security Affairs, National Defence University Washington delegation, Ambassador Erica Barks Ruggles paid a courtesy call on the Commandant, National Defence College, Nigeria, Rear Admiral Adeniyi Osinowo to discuss issues of interest to both institutions in line with the memorandum of understanding.
She used the opportunity to applaud the developmental strides in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja compared to the last time she visited Nigeria 20 years ago.
Ambassador Ruggles asserted that College of International Security Affairs, National Defence University Washington mission is to educate and prepare senior civilian and military security professionals and future leaders of the United State and partners as nations for the strategic challenges of the contemporary security environment.
She emphasized that the College of International Security Affairs, National Defence University Washington is the US Department of Defence flagship training institution for education and the building of partnerships capacity in combating terrorism and irregular warfare at the strategic level.
Ambassador Ruggles expressed her appreciation to the National Defence College Nigeria for the collaboration and the hosting of the workshop which she described as unique in all ramifications.
She expressed her desire for further cooperation and collaboration between National Defence College Nigeria and College of International Security Affairs, National Defence University Washington.
Earlier, during one of the series of lectures lined up for the workshop, Dr Thomas Marks, one of the resource persons from the United States opined that protecting citizens in all spectrum in a democratic dispensation is the fundamental responsibility of governance.
He reiterated that the need to understand the root causes and drivers of radicalization which leads to violent extremism at the strategic level and develop a framework for a strategic response was what prompted the entire one week conduct of the workshop.
The Deputy Commandant and Director of Studies Major General Peter Dauke, in his sum up at the workshop observed that the facilitators have done justice to the subject matter as it relates to terrorism and other irregular security threats.
He reiterated that a strategic leader must be critical in studying and analysing any given situation before action. He added that, if one cannot be able to identify a problem, he or she cannot be able to resolve it appropriately.
He informed the audience that as part of the efforts to enhance the relationship between the two institutions, the National Defence University Washington has invited the Commandant National Defence College Nigeria, Rear Admiral Adeniyi Osinowo, to visit the United States in order to explore areas for further collaboration.