Disappearance of Major General Alkali: Police closes in on Masterminds, Declare vilage head of Dura Du, 7 others wanted

The Plateau State Police Command on Wednesday declared the vilkage head of Dura Du and 7 0other persons wanted in connection with the missing Major General Idris Alkali, the retired former Chief of Administration at Army headquarters.

The Police said preliminary investigation into the disappearance of the retired officer showed that the suspects masterminded and executed the disappearance.

A statement by DSP Tyopev Tarner, Police Public Reations Officer listed those wanted as Da Chuwang Samuel (aka Morinho). He is 28 years old. Dark in complexion, has no tribal marks on his face and is tall. He is a panel beater by profession and Berom by tribe. He speaks berom, hausa and english fluently. His phone number is 08063644429.

Nyam Samuel (aka Soft Touch). He is 25 year old, tall, dark in complexion and has no tribal marks on his face. He is a panel beater by profession and Berom by tribe. He speaks hausa, berom and english fluently.

Mathew Wrang (aka Amesco). He is 27 years old, tall and dark in complexion with no tribal marks on his face. He hss Adams Apple, is married. He is Berom by tribe and speaks hausa, berom and english fluently.

Pam Gyang Dung (aka Boss). He is 53 years old with an open gap tooth. Dark in complexion, tall with no marks on his face. He has a bald head and his occupation is farming and mining. He is Berom by tribe. He speaks hausa, berom and english fluently.

Chuwang Istifanus Pwajok Stephen (aka Tifa). He is 46 years old, light in complexion and has mustache, tall and has no tribal mark on his face. He is a surveyor and businessman by occupation. He is Berom by tribe. He speaks hausa, berom and english fluently.

Timothy Chuan. He is 26 years old, light in complexion, tall and has no tribal marks on his face. He is married and a tipper driver as well as sand vendor by occupation. He is Berom by tribe, speaks hausa, berom and english fluently. His phone number is 09081177173.

Moses Gyang (aka Boss). He is 25 years old, light in complexion, tall, keeps afro hair and has no tribl marks on his face. He is married and Berom by tribe. He speaks hausa, berom and english fluently. 1.66 meters tall, bald head, has no tribal marks on his face.

Yakubu Rap. He is 52 years old, dark in complexion. He is the Distruct head of Dura. He is married with children and is Berom by tribe. He speaks hausa, berom and english fluently.

The police said if any of the suspects are seen, citizens should report to the nearest police facility or call the phone numbers – 08038907662 or 07059473022,09053872296 and 08075391844.