Duties on old used cars: Customs suspends implementation over Senate Threat.

The Nigerian Customs Service has suspended its plans to go ahead with the implementation of duties collection for old cars bought years prior to 2015, a policy that has elicited public outrage.
The decision to back down it was gathered, followed the threat by the upper chamber of the legislature, the Senate to come down heavily on the Nigerian Customs if it did not put a halt to implementation of the policy.
 However, a statement confirming the suspension by the NCS, signed by Joseph Attah, spokesman said, “Following the unnecessary tension generated as a result of misconception and misrepresentation of the Nigeria Customs Service planned motor duty payment, the leadership of the National Assembly and the Comptroller-General of Customs, Col. Hameed Ali (Rtd) met with a view to resolving the impasse. 
“They both agreed that the proposed motor duty payment, though in line with the provision of Customs and Excise Management Act (CEMA) Cap C.45, LFN 2004 should be put on hold while the Senate Committee on Customs & Excise interfaces with the NCS for further discussions.
“While payment of duty on vehicles or indeed any dutiable imported item remains a civic responsibility of every patriotic Nigerian, NCS Management has directed that the exercise be put on hold.
“The NCS expressed readiness to engage the Senate Committee on further discussions to bring them on board to understand the importance of the exercise to national security and economy.
Recall that following the heat generated by the planned policy the Presidency had intervened and urged Col Hameed Ali, the Customs CG to interface with the Senate leadership to find an amicable solution.