Ease of doing Business: Immigration Unveils Liberalized Visa on Arrival Application Platform.

In furtherance of Federal Government’s Economic policy on creation of a conducive environment to attract foreign high net worth investors and professionals into the economy, Nigeria Immigration Service announce the introduction of liberalized online Visa on Arrival (VoA) facility to the general public especially the Business Community.

The VoA application and processing facility is a product of exhaustive and robust visa reforms regime intended to bring Nigeria in tandem with global best practices in the facilitation of entry and exit of high net worth Foreign Direct Investors and skilled professionals into the Country and in line with Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC).

As a critical member of PEBEC, the NIS has therefore liberalized automation of VoA as a prelude to the visa application and processing services at all entry points to ensuring that all genuine requests for VoA facility from any part of the World are processed and issued within 48 hours (2 working days).

For Companies who have not earlier documented their businesses, such Companies are expected to submit all documents for registration in the Office of CGI before commencing Visa on Arrival (VoA) procedure by email.
The procedure for Visa on Arrival (VoA) is as follows:

Applicant/Representative/Company already registered with NIS shall forward request via email stating the following to [email protected]
• Name of Applicant
• Passport Number of Applicant
• Nationality
• Purpose of Visit
• Proposed Port of Entry
• Flight Itinerary
• Address in Nigeria or Hotel Reservation

Attach the following documents-(In PDF format, not exceeding one (1) megabyte)
• Copy of Passport Data page
• Copy of Airline Return Ticket Reservation

• After approval, a letter will be forwarded to your email with a copy sent to the Airline stated in your application and the Immigration Port of Entry.
• The request shall be processed and approval issued within 48hours (2 working days)

Fill in the application form with your correct details and make online payment at https://portal.immigration.gov.ng Online payment can also be made at Port of arrival subject to presentation of “Visa on Arrival Approval Letter”. Master Card, Visa and American Express Card are acceptable.

NOTE: Successful online payment is NOT AN APPROVAL. ADVICE BUSINESS PARTNER NOT TO PROCEED to Nigeria until you have received “Visa on Arrival Approval Letter” issued by the Nigeria Immigration Service Headquarters, Abuja.

Upon arrival at the Port of Entry, proceed to the desk marked Visa on Arrival for issuance of entry Visa. Present your approval letter, National Travel Documents and evidence of payment to the desk Officer for issuance of Visa

Sunday James (ACI),
Service Public Relations Officer

For Comptroller of Immigration.