Edo IGR set to soar as State Govt. deploys Tech-based revenue collection scheme*

The Edo State Government has deployed its innovative technology-based revenue administration scheme which automates the entire process of revenue administration from capture, profiling, assessment generation and notification through to cashless settlement and is set to boost internally generated revenue in the state by expanding the tax net and enhancing payment convenience for citizens.

The State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, explained that the new scheme will eliminate man-made barriers and other extraneous variables that interfere with the revenue collection process.

According to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Edo Internal Revenue Service (EIRS), Mr. Igbinidu Inneh, the innovative solution christened Edo Revenue Administration System (ERAS), “is being delivered as part of the strategic institutional transformation of the EIRS and feeds off the Governor’s objective to transform Edo State into an innovation hub.

Inneh explained that “The ERAS solution is a distributed revenue administration system which seeks to solve the challenges faced by revenue authorities in Nigeria for Edo State.”

Tagged Project Dobberman, ERAS according to the technology partners, “in every sense has been delivered in an unprecedented record time in less than 18 months from conceptualization, partner selection to development and integration.

“This is significantly ahead on time for the deployment of most Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems anywhere in the world.”

The EIRS boss noted that “the current tax base which grew within weeks of testing ERAS from just about 190,000 to over 250, 000, will double within the first six months of operations and to one million within two years.”

The visibly elated EIRS boss further said that “This accomplishment is truly one legacy Edo State will bequeath to the Nigerian Revenue Administration process and indeed other emerging economies of Africa.

On the project name ‘Dobbermann’, Mr. Inneh explained that it took its root from tax history and the strategy of Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, who first bred the Doberman Pincher dog breed in the town of Apolda, Germany, around 1890 as the local tax collector. He ran the Apolda dog pound and aimed to create a breed that would be ideal for protecting him during his collections, which took him through many dangerous, bandit-infested areas.

“It is simple to see that ERAS has been conceived, conceptualized and developed as the technological, modern day watch dog of government revenues.”

He added: “The following revenue streams, Personal Income Taxes (PAYE and Direct Assessment), Withholding Tax, Land Use Charges, Consumption Tax, Vehicle Administration, Vehicle Insurance Policy Assurance, Business Premises (Regulations, Management and Control), Lottery Regulations, Stamp duties and other MDA services will be administered by the system.

“And has payment solutions that cater for cashless and seamless transaction processing for both formal and informal sectors with online and offline features.”