False Accusations: Army Blasts (Dr. Idris), UK Based Anti-Corruption Crusader; Says BHT did not dislodge 800 soldiers; Brig-Apere one of our best, Issues 7 days ultimatum to substantial allegations or face legal action.

The Nigerian Army High Command on Friday tongue-lashed a United Kingdom based anti-corruption crusader (Dr. Ahmed Idris), over what it said are false accusations leveled against the Commander, 707 Special Forces Brigade, Brigadier General Clement Apere, that he deployed 150 untrained soldiers at Gashigar in the fight against insurgency thereby setting the troops up for slaughter.

Dr. Idris had also public a letter allegedly written by a soldier where it was alleged that General Apere connived with Boko Haram and systematically set up soldiers resulting in 800 soldiers being dislodged by terrorists in the North East among others.

Reacting to the accusations in a state signed by Brigadier General Texas Chukwu, Director, Army Public Relation, entitled ‘Re-Bombshell! How Corrupt Brigadier General Clement Apere Deliberately sends Soldiers to die in the hands of Boko Haram’, the Nigerian Army dismissed all the accusations saying they only exist in the imagination of the UK based crusader.

The statement said, “The attention of the Nigerian Army has been drawn to series of mischievous publications by a United Kingdom based Doctor Idris Ahmed, a self-styled anti-corruption crusaders, the latest of which he posted on 23rd August 2018 titled “BOMB SHELL! – HOW CORRUPT BRIGADIER GENERAL CLEMENT APERE DELIBERATELY SENDS SOLDIERS TO DIE IN THE HANDS OF BOKO HARAM” and wishes to react as follows.

“That his allegation that a fictitious “patriotic soldier at the war front in the North East”, has alleged among other things that some senior officers connived and set up soldiers and systematically give weapons to Boko Haram terrorists who dislodge 800 soldiers, killing hundreds of them is false.

“The Nigerian Army and indeed all militaries have procedures and clearly established procedures for its daily administration including the deployment of troops and fighting a war.

“Moreover, formations and units deployed have clearly established chains of command, administration and logistics supply, support, replenishment and reinforcement.

“It is therefore very callous and irresponsible of any person to imagine that senior officers of the Nigerian Army could treasonably connive with any terrorist or set up any soldier.

Continuing the Army said, “That the allegation that the Commander 707 Special Forces Brigade deployed 150 untrained soldiers at Gashigar only exists in the figment of Dr. Ahmed’s imagination as there was no such deployment on the said date or location.

“It is equally not true that throughout the history of 707 Special Forces Brigade has suffered any number of casualties in any of its deployments across the country.

“As a matter of fact, they warmed proven to be game changers in the fight against terrorism and insurgency, as well as against bandits and armed militias in the north east, north-west and north central parts of the country.

“The peace and security being enjoyed in Benue, Taraba and Niger States bears eloquent testimony to their wonderful exploits.

Furthermore, it said, “That it is utterly untrue that 15 soldiers of the Nigerian Army are sharing a single room anywhere in the country let alone in Azare.

“Troops’ welfare has never been given utmost priority like what obtains under the present Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen TY Buratai. The facts are there for all to see and verify. For the avoidance of doubt, Azare barracks is one of the newly established barracks with modern amenities and facilities.

“That, contrary to Dr. Idris Ahmed’s wild imagination, the Commander 707 Special Forces Brigade, is one of the best of the formation commanders of the Nigerian Army.

“He is brave, courageous, patriotic, and honest and has the welfare of his troops at heart. It is therefore precipitous and thoughtless of anybody to associate him with such unfounded allegations.

It implored “members of the public to totally disregard all the senseless allegations by Dr. Idris Ahmed”.

“Similarly, the Nigerian Army wishes to use this medium to inform Dr. Idris Ahmed that he has seven days to either produce evidence to substantiate his allegation or retract the false publication with an unreserved apologies or face legal action” the statement said.