Family of late Rev Father John Adeyi Commend IRT, Abba Kyari for Arrest of Murderers; As High Court Convicts Duo to Jail.

The Police Intelligence Response Team (IRT) has secured conviction for the 2 deadly suspects who kidnapped and murdered Reverend Father John Adeyi, the former Vicar General of Otukpo Catholic Diocese. 

A High Court sitting in Makurdi, Benue State on Wednesday 25th July 2018 convicted and sentenced the 2 suspects standing trial in the kidnap & murder of Very Rev Fr John Adeyi PhD to jail. 

Family of the late Priest, while applauding the judgment, and thanking God and all those who made it come through, noted that the day was a sad reminder of the brutal murder of their son, brother & priest. 

“While we accept the fact that the judgment cannot bring back the dead, it is gratifying however, to know that the culprits did not go unpunished” they said. 

“I wish to place on record my personal appreciation to DCP Abba Kyari whom after my interface with him in his office at Abuja over the case, went all out and arrested all the suspects after serious manhunt across the three states of Bauchi, Enugu & Benue, the family head said. 

“Worthy of mention here also is the efforts of ACP Ayuba Yunana Dickson who was initially on the case and rendered great support at the preliminary investigation stage. 

“May I say a big thank you to all of you on this forum who displayed your goodwill and comradeship while this case lasted?  

May the soul of Fr Adeyi continue to rest in perfect peace with his creator whom he served diligently on earth.