Former NAFRC Commandant, AVM Jekenu Pulled Out of service after Retirement.

Former NAFRC Commandant, AVM Jekenu Pulled Out of service after Retirement.

The former Commandant, Nigerian Armed Forces Resettlement Centre (NAFRC), Lagos, Air Vice Marshal Augustine Jekennu, was on Friday pulled out of service with a parade ending his 35 years military career.
AVM Jekenu said, “It is a great honour to have served as the commandant of this prestigious institution, although there were challenges but we were able to surmount them.
“For those still serving, I wish you safe landing at the appointed time, And may the good Lord grant you good health to retire well.
He urged the soldiers not to give up on their chosen endeavours but to strive toward becoming better citizens of Nigeria now and always.
“As I bow out of military active service, I enjoin you to accord the new commandant the required cooperation and assistance for him to succeed”, he said.
Present at the ceremony were top military men, both serving and retired including Rear Admiral Abba, Flag Officer Commanding Western Naval Command and Rear Admiral Offodile, Flag Officer Commanding Naval Training Command.