GOC 6 division Commend officers over successful NASFEST

The General Officer Commanding 6 Division Nigerian Army, Port Harcourt, Major General Jamil Sarham, has lauded officers and soldiers under his Division for the successful conclusion of the 6 Division Nigerian Army Sports Festival (NASFEST) held in Rivers State.
Speaking at the closing ceremony of the Division Inter-Formations Half Marathon and Combat Road Race Competition 2018, held over the weekend at Igwuruta in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State, Maj. Gen. Sarham, said the competition has enhanced friendship among the soldiers in the Division.
The GOC described the festival as a landmark programme that has increased the combat efficiency, regimentation and endurance, of the officers and soldiers, which he said will aid them in tackling security challenges faced within the Division and the country at large.
His words, “It is my immense pleasure to be amongst you at the closing ceremony of 6 Division Nigerian Army Sports Festival (NASFEST) Inter-Formations Half Marathon and Combat Road Race Competition 2018.
“This landmark event has brought together participants from the various affiliated formations and units of 6 Division.
“As a unique competition of its kind, I am certain that the occasion has been an opportunity to promote mutual cooperation and comradeship amongst the participants.
“Today, troops of the Division stand more integrated through the platform this competition has provided.
“Let me also add that training and re-training of officers and soldiers in the NA cannot be over-emphasized.
“Hence, the participation thrust for the competition was anchored on the demand for high level combat efficiency, regimentation and endurance, which is essential in tackling the contemporary security challenges faced by the Nigerian Army.
“It is therefore certain that all participants have displayed a very high standard of sportsmanship, physical fitness, determination and have given their best in the course of the competition.
“This is necessary in view of the fact that training develops the requisite capacity amongst troops to function effectively.”
The GOC urged the participants to build on the experiences garnered from the competition to improve on their professional career, encouraged the officers to pass the lessons learnt to junior officers.
He continued, “Suffice to state that giving the dynamics of military operations, this kind of competition is very necessary to engender the needed level of combat proficiency amongst troops.
“The target category for this competition who are the officers and soldiers will continue to bridge the gap between them, hence, the need for the requisite level of proficiency and professionalism in their cadre of ranks.
“A well trained officer and soldier will effectively command men and equipment placed under his command.
“Therefore, as an important segment of the NA, you must take advantage of this training opportunity to enhance your level of combat proficiency on the job.
“Having gone through this competition as officers and soldiers, you must take pride in the strategic position you occupy in your respective formations and units.
“You must also ensure that you teach the younger soldiers basic regimental physical fitness activities that will enhance their professional disposition.
“It is therefore important to note that this competition is one amongst the series of competitions organized by the Division to drive home some important lessons.
“It is hoped that this will enable you put into perspective the vision of the Chief of Army Staff which is “To have a professionally responsive NA in the discharge of its constitutional roles”.
“I enjoined you all to be the drivers of this noble vision to transform the NA into a professionally responsive force.”
Highlights of the competition was the presentation of trophies to winners, while 2 Brigade Uyo in Akwa Ibom took 1st position in the competition, 46 engineering Brigade of the 6 Division occupied the rear position.