Green Sweep: NAF Jets bomb Boko Haram logistics base at Kusuma in Northern Borno

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Air Interdiction Operation, Operation Green Sweep, has continued to record tremendous successes in destroying Boko Haram Terrorists’ (BHTs) facilities in Borno State.

On Day 3 of the Operation, the Air Task Force (ATF) of Operation LAFIYA DOLE, destroyed a BHT Logistics Base at Kusuma in Northern Borno.

The air strikes were conducted on the heels of credible intelligence reports indicating that the BHTs had resumed using the previously abandoned settlement and established a Logistics Base to support their operations in the fringes of Lake Chad.

Extensive Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions later identified 2 compounds within the village that were the main logistics hubs in the town.

Consequently, the ATF dispatched 2 Alpha Jet aircraft to attack the settlement, recording direct hits on the target buildings and facilities with huge balls of fires seen.

The NAF, working in concert with surface forces, will sustain the tempo of operations with a view to destroying all remnants of the terrorists in Borno State.

Ibikunle Daramola
Air Commodore
Director of Public Relations and Information, Nigerian Air Force