Guards Brigade holds 2018 WASA on Saturday, March 30, 2019.

The Guards Brigade, Nigerian Army end of year West African Social Activities (WASA) is scheduled to hold on Saturday 30th March 2019 by 2:00pm at Guards Brigade parade ground Mambilla Barracks Abuja.

A statement by Capt. Timothy Tagwai, Public Relations Officer of the Brigade noted that ceremony is an opportunity for the Commander of the elite corps of officers and soldiers, Brigadier General UT Musa to interact with his Battalion Commanders, and soldiers in a relaxed atmosphere amidst cultural entertainment.

“The tradition of WASA dates back to the days of Allied Forces Commanders where troops and their families come together at the end of the year to socialize and celebrate the achievements of their formations or units for that year” he said.

“The event is aimed at bringing together officers and soldiers of Guards Brigade as well as their families to celebrate and showcase their different cultural heritage as a form of relaxation”.

“The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Alhaji Muhammad Musa Bello is expected to be the Special Guest of Honour”.

Haruna Timothy Tagwai
Assitant Director
Army Public Relations Guards Brigade