Internal Security: Guards Brigade Lectures Officers on Combat Readiness.

As part of efforts to keep officers of the Guards Brigade abreast with current tides in military combat operations, authorities of the Brigade on Monday 26 November 2018, organized a lecture on Combat Estimate Process for its personnel

The lecture which is part of the Nigerian Army and Guards Brigade Training week 2018 held at Scorpion Officers’ Mess Abuja.

Described as an important aspect of military training, a statement by Captain Timothy Tagwai, Assistant Director, Army Public Relations said the exercise is aimed at providing Officers’ with the basic knowledge on Operational Planning in Internal Security Environment.

The lecture on Combat Estimate Process was delivered by Brigadier General Shamsideen Toyin Shafaru, Directing Staff Army War College Nigeria.

Participating officers were drawn from the 7 Guards Battalion, the 177 Guards Battalion and 176 Guards Battalion, the Guards Brigade Garrison and 102 Guards Battalion.