Invasion of Senate: Saraki inaugurates Ad-hoc investigative Committee; Says attack one of darkest days of Democracy

It is my honour, distinguished colleagues to inaugurate the Senate Ad Hoc Committee to investigate the Incident of the Senate Chamber Invasion on Wednesday the 18th of April 2018. 

The events of the 18th of April 2018 will go down as one of the darkest days of our democracy.

The precincts of the National Assembly is not just a place where the National Assembly meets, it is the symbol of our liberty and freedom from autocracy and the base of our democracy. 

This should not happen. It should never have happened.

The violation of this solemn place, the symbol of our liberty to have a government by the representatives of our people for our people by a group of mobsters and criminals cannot simply be ignored.

It has been inferred in many quarters that this group of thugs and urchins were led by a serving distinguished Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is most despicable and unspeakable. 

It is clear and remains the duty of the legislature when faced with behaviour that undermines its fundamental integrity like this one that the legislature acts to restore the integrity of the institution.

We owe it as a duty not only to this present National Assembly but also those to precede it, that the legislative process is purged of this dirt and the legislature restored to its full place of dignity.

This is a duty that must be achieved. We cannot let a precedence proceed from this. Everyone involved from conception to execution of this heinous crime must be brought to book.

This committee therefore must see its charge as pivotal to the restoration of the sanctity, the preservation of the dignity of the National Assembly and the restoration of the security, integrity and moral authority of the National Assembly. 

To the Committee, I make this charge to be thorough, fair and courageous in the discharge of this assignment.

The Senate has deliberately considered your pedigree for this assignment, knowing full well the enormity of the job ahead.

You have been chosen also because we have a great task ahead, to think outside of the box to take lawmaking back to the people through creative interventions.

 This Senate looks up to you to do the nation proud. This Senate has confidence that you will discharge your duties with responsibility and probity.

 May I use this opportunity to commend the Clerk of the National Assembly, National Assembly Management and distinguished senators who have worked to ensure that this inauguration is achieved. I wish the committee success.

I hereby inaugurate the Senate Committee to investigate the Incident of the Senate Chamber Invasion on Wednesday the 18th of April 2018.

Thank you.

President of the Senate, and 

Chairman, National Assembly