Joint Nigeria/Cameroon Military Operation foil terrorists attack on Malari Zangowa village; Soldier killed 4 injured.

Nigerian Troops of Operation Hadin Kai in conjuction with Cameroonian troops have repelled BHT/ISWAP attack on Malari Zangowa Village, located east of Geidam LGA.

Scores of Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists on 6 gun trucks and 12 Motorcycles reportedly mustered in Malari Zangowa village, located east of Geidam LGA and the insurgents were also at Kana village close to Buracika with 3 gun trucks and 14 Motorcycles.  

However, on March 16 and March 18 during patrol by  troops of 25 Task Force brigade at the middle of the night, ISWAP/BHT were sighted in 3 Gun Trucks and 6 Motorcycles in Azare general area close to Buni Yani in Yobe state. 

Troops were immediately reinforced to the scene anf the insurgents were giving a hot chase into the forest while they took to their heels.

ISWAP/ISIS claimed they struck a Nigerian Army patrol with an IED on a road in between Sabon Gari and Wajiroko in the Borno State area in Nigeria, killing and wounding 5 soldiers.

According to villagers, the insurgents have been harrasing locals within these area.

Regretfully, one soldier paid the Supreme price while four soldiers survived the ambush.

The wounded were transferred to Maimalari Cantonment for treatment

Investigation however showed that contrary to report, Boko Haram/ ISWAP didn’t destroy Wajiroko bridge. The bridge is the only route connecting Damboa-Wajiroko-Mandragrau and Biu LGA.

The terrorists were said to have sneaked under the bridge and planted mines for three days before the ambush.

The intensified intelligence-led COIN ground and aerial offensives has pushed the Boko Haram/ ISWAP terrorists to seek refuge  around the  riverbanks between Nigeria and Niger Republic. 

The newly established settlement included Lumburam, Fiyoo, Lada and Jarwaram, in Niger.