Killings: CAN Declares 3-Day Prayer and Fasting; To hold peaceful protest nationwide on July 11; Condemns Presidency over Forceful Seizure of Land by Fulani

 The leadership of the Christian Association pf Nigeria (CAN) has declared July 9-11, 2018 as National Days of Prayers and Fasting against Unwarranted Killings in the Land and calls on all well-meaning Nigerians, both within and outside the country, to join Christians on 11 July, 2018 for a Peaceful protest against the killings.

 According to a statement, “CAN’s decision is hinged on willful and persistent killings of fellow citizens in general and Christians in particular nationwide and mostly in Plateau and Benue where mass burial has become the norm without any positive response from the country’s security agencies.

 “CAN is worried, disturbed and disappointed that despite all the clarion calls on President Muhammadu Buhari to re-organize his security team by replacing all the security chiefs, he has consistently turned a deaf ear to such calls.

 “From all indications, the President seems to be satisfied with their poor performance and the attendant problems that have led to avoidable loss of lives and property.

 “We call on all Christians in the country and in the Diaspora to   participate in the three-day prayers and fasting programme for God to end all the senseless, unwarranted, and selected killings in the country. If the government has failed us, we are very sure that Our God will never fail.

 “All National Executive Committee’s members of CAN, the Church and Denominational leaders have been invited to participate in a ‘Peaceful Protest March’ to both the National Assembly and the State House to impress on the government to see the need to effectively stop the unprecedented killings.

 “CAN has also directed its leadership at the state and local government levels to organize the same Peaceful Protest March to the Government House and the Local government headquarters respectively on 11 July. We are to tell the government; Enough is Enough.

 The statement signed by Pastor Adebayo Oladeji, SA media to the CAN President added, “We appeal to our members to be law-abiding before, during and after the protest. 

 “Meanwhile, we express our disappointment to the ungodly and unlawful counsel of the Presidency for people living under the threat of the Fulani herdsmen to give away their land or face death.

 “This position is reprehensible, satanic, wicked and it shows how serious the government is to the protection of lives and property of the citizens.

 “The only time such a directive was given was during the tyrannical leadership of Ahab when he killed Naboth who refused to let go of his inherited land to the greedy, wicked and the ungodly king.

 “Although he succeeded in killing Naboth, but the wrath of God did not spare his family despite his remorsefulness.

 “We call on all well-meaning Nigeria to rise up and speak against such a position. Those who use violence to take away what belongs to others are unfit to be called humans.

 “It is worrisome that we have a government that has come out clearly to state that people under the threat of herdsmen’s killings must surrender their lands for ranching or continue to be killed.

 “We seek your support and assistance in disseminating this information to the public through your credible media.”


Pastor Adebayo Oladeji, Special Assistant, (Media & Communications) to Rev Dr. Samson Olasupo Ayokunle.