Lagos Police & 2019

The interim investigation report submitted to me by the Deputy commissioner of police Yaba, panti, stated clearly that a politician who is a successful aspirant from the last primaries of the state decided to call for a thank you political gathering somewhere at ikororu road and in the process because it is not controlled cultists hijacked the gathering and there was mayhem. And that is why we are taking that issue very serious. As I speak to you he has sent in a letter to the DC that he is hospitalized the IPO has gone to see him at his hospital bed and our prayer for him is that he gets well very soon so that he can avail himself in court so that he can state his own side and defend himself.
Lagos is known for political tolerance, Lagos is a cosmopolitan state, an elite environment so there is no room for thuggery in Lagos.

So I am calling on politicians to abide by the rules. Inec has made it clear that any form of campaigns or political activated is not allowed for presidency and national assembly till on the 18 of November and not before. While governorship will commence on the 2nd if December and not before. So any persons or group must be patient. Political activities will not commence under any guise before the scheduled dates.
We don’t need to disguise campaigns in the name of thank you tour, a political activity is a political activity.
Culistism has taken a frightening dimension for this issue that happened at ikorodu a total number of 23 suspects were arrested and have been charged to Yaba magistrate court 1 and have been remanded in prison custody. We cannot allow cultist groups to begin to fester hoping that they will receive patronage from politicians. Culitism is not peculiar to Lagos.

As leaders of various communities,
so we will not allow people come from anywhere and heat up Lagos island in the name of politics. That is why I am calling on you people for partnership.

Look at what happened in Imota, Agbowa, Ikorodu I appealed to the traditional, religious, institution, and local government chairmen and traditional leaders called the youths together and that was why over 1217 youths in these areas renounced cultism and surrendered their arms. This was powered by the traditional institutions and the local government chairmen, the Dpos and area Commanders gave them the needed support and when they were to renounce cultism I went there to receive them.

And the local government chairmen assured me that they will reintegrate them back into the society by ensuring that they have vocational training which they did.

Since then Ikorodu has been very peaceful.
I am calling on other community in Lagos to emulate what happened in Ikorodu and badagry.
Do not take the issue of cultism with levity because it has the potential to dislocate the peace that we experience across the state.

Cultism is known for nothing but robbery drug abuse, drug peddling, rape and other social vices. We must join hands together to ensure that these boys and girls begin to contribute their quoter to the development of society.

I am hoping that in the next couple of weeks the local government chairmen and traditional leaders here will be inviting me to come and receive cultists that voluntarily renounced cultism. I know jointly we can do it together.
Politicians should not go to public places and give money out. I am also advising that they should not give money because most of the troubles and killings that come up are usually because of money sharing. It is the fight over that money that usually leads to the loss of life. It doesn’t make any sense if a politicians good gestures would led to the loss of lives.

I am happy with the caliber of people that attended this townhall meeting because they will take the message home to their people, please let us begin to prepare towards 2018 election, we need to start educating our people that we can do without crimes during the election, go back and educate your people on what is expected of them before, during and after the elections.

I am soliciting your partnership in the fight against cultism. I am worried about the emergence of cult gangs in the state sponsored by highly placed politician.

All to let you know the arrangements that we have made so far in preparations towards the 2019 elections so that as leaders of your various communities here in the entire Area A axis you will go back and talk to your people and educate them.

The first meeting we held was the interagency consultative committee on election security the ICC meeting. In that meeting all the agencies were there the REC, the Resident Electoral Commissioner for Lagos state was there, the coordinator NYSC Lagos state was there, all stake holders responsible for a peaceful and proper conduct of the 2019 elections were there at the Lagos state police command head quarters and we resolved to collaborate in three major areas first of all for activities or during aalnd after the 2019 elections.

The area that concerns you has to do with educating your people first of all not to disenfranchise themselves but by refusing to collect their PVC’s we were shocked when the Resident Electoral Commisioner for Lagos told us that as many as did he mention 10,000 or so PVC’s (1.4 million)that have not yet been collected.

Educate your people, tell them thy they should go and collect their PVC’s in addition there is series of activities that will be going on between now and end of December first of all the **** reports available to us from our colleagues in the **** indicates that they have seized over 1,000 PVC’s from people who are foreigners and they are wondering how a foreigner was able to get access to register and get a PVC and some of these foreigners are now using the PVC to identify themselves as Nigerians that is unacceptable so we will be mopping up PVC’s in wrong hands that’s number 1 we need your cooperation in that regard.

No 2 we have updated all the locations that attempt black spots in Lagos state **** will believe that because they are usually prone to violence especially election violence they need special **** so we tend to carry out constant ****, surveillance and intelligent gathering in those areas to ensure that all the hoodlums in those areas especially in areas that are unoccupied, abandoned buildings, abandoned vehicles, open fields, primary school compounds after the children have closed from school, areas that hoodlums usually hypernate

we intend to carry out sustained raids based on obtainable intelligence in those areas we need your assistance or information in that regard.

There is also going to be increased partnership to secure our waterways our **** and water channels we are going to now have a more robust cooperation with the Navy and with the Customs marine Police **** we want our gunboats to be more vigilant between now and February 2019 so that because we consider our waterways Lagos is a territorial state it’s surrounded by water so most of the **** are considered areas of threats, areas where we can have incursions to prevent that we intend to ensure that our gunboats from both the marine, police, the Navy and of course the Customs especially in areas around Badagry and Ceme are very active this period to ward off intruders and those that might want to **** Lagos from the sea of course on air our surveilers

RRS surveillance**** are going to now be doing daily manoeuvres across the state giving us pictorial and surveillance reports and also giving us reports of what is going on in this very parts of the state as witnessed from their area patrols.

These are activities that will go on simultaneously before the elections. During the elections, I am sure that as leaders in your community it’s your responsibility to go back and enlighten your people on some of the electoral rules that are expected during elections already INEC the information the **** education and collaboration**** if INEC are already going round the states educating voters on what is expected of them. I on my part have arranged for a series of lectures.