Major General Myan Takes over from Major General Malu as AHQ Garrison Commander.

 The New Commander, Army Headquarters (AHQ) Garrison, Major General James Gwaza Khalifa Myan has taken over from his predecessor, Major General John Seyina Malu.

Until his appointment, Major General Myan was the Director of Operations at Army Headquarters.

Major General Malu is proceeding to Army Engineers headquarters as the Corps Commander, Nigerian Army Engineers.

A statement by Major Salisu Ibrahim Mustapha said the handing and taking over ceremony took place on 8 January 2018.

According to Nigerian Army tradition, part of the activities for the handing and taking over ceremony includes; Quarter Guard inspection, Lowering and hoisting of outgoing and incoming Commander’s Flag, formal signing of handing and taking over notes between the outgoing and the incoming Commander and troops address.

The outgoing Commander, Major General Malu in his farewell speech thanked the Officers and Soldiers of Army Headquarters Garrison for their untiring commitment and cooperation throughout his tenure as the Commander.

He urged the troops not to relent, but rather work harder and give the incoming Commander maximum support.

In the same vein, the incoming Commander Major General Myam appreciated his predecessor and charged the troops to accord him same cooperation to enable him work in line with the Chief of Army Staff’s vision which is “To have A Professionally Responsive Nigerian Army in the discharge of its Constitutional roles”.

Major General James Myam was until his present appointment the Director of Operations at the Army Headquarters. He is a seasoned Senior Officer with vast experience in staff, instruction and command appointments.

Picture shows the various stages of the handing and taking over ceremonies.