Mass Surrender of Boko Haram/ISWAP Terrorists due to New Orbat of Battle that emphasize Offensive Operations – Army Chief, Gen Yahaya;  Hails New Timely, Sustained Support of Air & Maritime Components in Joint Operations.


Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Faruk Yahaya on Friday disclosed that the recent massive surrender of thousands of Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists in the North East is a fallout of the effectiveness of the new offensive concept of the Nigerian Army which is the cardinal point in the Army’s new order of battle.


Delivering a lecture titled, “My Vision For Nigerian Army ” to Course 6 Participants of the Army War College, Nigeria in Abuja, the COAS said the former Orbat which emphasized defensive strategies whereby troops .remained in fortified positions and carried out defensive attacks on the adversaries is being reviewed to take the battle to the enemy’s enclave.


In this regard,Gen Yahaya said the Nigerian Army is currently being positioned to conduct proactive and protracted land operations both independently and jointly with other services, security agencies for maximum efficiency.


“As a result of this jointness and synergy, we now enjoy more timely and sustained air and maritime support operations across the country “.



“Consequently, the projection of forces into criminal enclaves supported by Air and Naval forces/other services has charged up the troops and energized them to conduct more effective combat operations.


Continuing the COAS said, “Other measures to ensure synergy among the services and agencies include; restructuring of the Joint Task Force Command across all Theatres of Operation”.


Disclosing that efforts have been made to improve the welfare of troops through different initiatives like the welfare flight from the North East through a dedicated Charlie C-130 aircraft for personnel undertaking operations in the North East, he said that training packages had been enhanced for personnel to ensure operational effectiveness in all theatres of operation.


Emphasizing on synergy and jointness, the COAS said he intended to superintend over a Nigerian army that would have the flexibility, capacity and capability to operate under all conditions, in collaboration with other services and agencies.



He reiterated that issues of lack of synergy between the services and other security agencies in the past had been a major concern impeding accomplishment of national security objectives.


On his vision for the Nigerian Army, Gen Yahaya said the objectives of a vision statement affords a military Commander, a GOC, a Brigade Commander the opportunity to establish the influence and legacy he seeks to achieve on the organization at the end of his tenure in command.


He said, “It is important for visionary leaders to give the process of writing their vision statements adequate time, because it is a critical step in attaining the overall organisational mandate.


“An Inspiring vision statement for the Nigerian Army should be clear, simple, focused, unique, and whole while fostering an adaptive attitude among members of the service” adding that, “Writing a vision statement is part of the strategic visioning process which requires planning, time and consideration.


Lecturing the participants on nesting, Gen Yahaya stated that as future Commandants of the Nigerian army, they should be able to convey the aspirations of the affairs of influence and it must be a realistic reflection of what could be achieve within the resources and the capabilities of the service.



“It must be well nested with the overall purpose that is sort to be achieved at the highest level of operation. This pattern of nesting follows down the chain of command implying that Commandants must write the vision for thier formations and Units from that of the Chief of Army Staff downwards.”

Earlier, the COAS said the interaction with the War College participant was part of the course module to afford him the opportunity to talk frankly with the participants who were senior officers of Lieutenant Colonel and above.


The course was inaugurated on April 8 2022 with 73 participants comprising 58 army officers, two officers each from the Nigerian Navy and Air Force, five from four allied countries of Gambia, Liberia, Congo Brazzaville and Rwanda.


Also among are six participants, one each from the Nigeria Police, Nigeria Customs Service, Immigration, Federal Road Safety Corp (FRSC), Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corp (NSCDC) and Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).


Speaking with reporters after the session with the participants, the COAS said important decisions were made to improve on Nigerian army operations, activities and engagement in pursuit of the vision of the Nigerian Army along with other services and agencies to bring security to Nigerian and to pursue all criminal elements in the country


He said the Nigerian Army will continue to review and assess its operational activities noting that, “An interaction like this will come up in other areas and things that we need to put in place will be analysed.